Catherine Oates Education Coordinator Lower Clapton Group Practice, Hackney The Well Street Surgery, Hackney
February speak to every GP that teaches the undergraduate students How do they feel their teaching has gone this current academic year? Did they enjoy teaching? Are they happy to teach again next academic year? Will they like to make any changes to their teaching i.e. teach another module, change their current timetable format? How do I organise the undergraduate teaching within my practices?
Are they happy with the undergraduate teaching? How did we cope with the loss of appointments? How can we reduce the impact of teaching on the appointment system? Clashes in teaching, how can we avoid them? Speak to the Practice Managers/ Reception Manager
KNOWING How many sessions each practice wishes to sign up for? Which band of Facility Money they require to fall within? Which GP tutor(s) is teaching which module? Are any of the GP Tutors likely to take A/L during school holidays? What else is likely to occur during the next academic year? i.e. new ST or FY docs joining the practice/sabbaticals/ maternity/paternity leave PREPARED I wait for the Teaching Preference Form
My aim is to complete and back to CBME within 24 hours How do I do this? By plotting the teaching in pencil on a chronological table When happy complete and return Completing the Teaching Preference Form
Example – Chronological Timetable Blank Academic Year
Not always Before the teaching is confirmed the CBME may approach to request movement within our request. It is a tough task! The CBME Team do a fantastic job! They have my full admiration! Yeah!! We have been allocated the teaching we requested!!!
Confirmed Teaching for the Academic Year Confirmed Teaching
Example – Community Care, Fifth Year KEY to plan ahead. Drafting the timetable, whilst using the guidance of the Course Documentation. As soon as the GPTs appointments go on the practice computer system I start altering them before patients get booked in. Organising a Teaching Timetable
Block out ‘protected teaching time’ e.g. introduction, tutorials, letter writing exercise, case based discussion, assessment Week 1 – timetable for student to meet all members of the PHCT e.g. receptionists, secretary, administrators, managers Have the student observe consultations with as many clinicians as possible during week 1 to experience different consultation styles Place on the timetable the EXTERNAL VISITS Hospice Visit Liaise with the student regarding the Walk-in Clinic and OOH Book these sessions Community Care (Fifth Year) Six Week Timetable
Baby Clinic Antenatal Clinic Drug Clinic Antico Clinic Minor Surgery MSK Clinic CAB session Place these onto the timetable What else does the practice have to offer the students?
Home visits with the Community Matron, HF Nurses, District Nurses Visit to a local pharmacy Funeral directors Arrange, confirm and place on the timetable What does the community have to offer the students?
Decide which days will be best for the GPT to have ‘supervised surgeries’. The days that they are not free is there another GPT who is happy to assist. (Try to keep to the same two GPTs) Allocate the student’s consulting room as close as possible to the GPT In advance place x4 debrief slots on the appointment system to allow the GPT to debrief the student’s patient and have time to teach On the day the GPT is to select the patients form their own appointment list to be seen by the student Supervised Surgeries
Community Care Timetable EXAMPLE TIMETABLE
Ensure the students complete the on-line teaching survey Fax the completed register and assessment forms to CBME Get Paid! End of placement
Examples Student Handbooks