How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better and Hackney’s journey Tricia Okoruwa Education Director
The 3 Dimensions to crafting and implementing and improvement journey 1.Assess current performance level Measure pupil outcomes – decide if current level is poor, fair, good, great or excellent 2.Select interventions: Decide what the system needs to do in order to raise student outcomes – guided by its performance level and specific challenges 3. Adapt to context: Tailor leadership style and tactics to the history, culture, politics, structure of the school system
Sustaining the system’s improvement journey over the long term 3 ways have been identified: By establishing collaborative practices By developing the mediating layer between the schools and the centre By architecting tomorrow’s leadership Each aspect is interconnected and an integral part of the system pedagogy
Journeys of school improvement: it’s a system thing not a single thing Getting to fair: improving literacy and numeracy Fair to good improvement journeys emphasise getting the system foundations in place Good to great improvement journeys emphasise shaping the professional Great to excellent improvement journeys emphasise learning through peers and innovation [McKinsey and Company]
Broad phases of leadership success: the journey of one Primary School [Ten Strong Claims, NCSL] System foundations Ownership and responsibility Vision and values Non-negotiables Defining teaching and learning: leading by example Infrastructure improvement/re- configuration Data and accountability Relentless focus on monitoring and evaluation Distributing leadership Persisting with teaching and learning Developing creativity Everyone a leader Shaping the professional Raising the calibre of existing teachers/leaders Involving the community Peer-led learning Self-evaluation Self-challenge Internal collaboration Ofsted 2007 SM Ofsted 2011 Outstanding Ofsted 2008 Good
Governors HeadteacherSenior leadershipMiddle leadership Getting a handle on the accountability chain
Poor to FairFair to GoodGood to GreatGreat to Unstoppable Directional/Central controlInclusionCreativityInnovation Top led and well-controlledTop led, middle implementMiddle led, top quality assuresInternally driven and quality assured Detailed calendar of monitoring activities focused on teaching and learning – aligned to an instructional vision Detailed calendar of monitoring activities focused on teaching and learning – now embedded Detailed calendar of monitoring activities focused on teaching and learning – embedded and customised Detailed calendar of monitoring activities focused on teaching and learning – more engagement with other schools or external partners Audit and identify position: teaching and learning profile, outcomes, book looks, planning, environments Evidence base broadens to include Pupil voice/school council Parent surveys Staff surveys Evidence base broadens to include Pupil voice/school council Parent surveys Staff surveys Pupils are part of evaluating their learning Establish and impose a monitoring framework which reflects the core requirements of acceptable performance for teaching and learning, planning, books, pupil progress meetings Literacy Numeracy Regular and sharp monitoring of all aspects of teaching and learning Strengths and areas for development identified and then used to promote improvement in other subjects ….. Wide range of monitoring activities which are differentiated, carried out by middle leaders and quality assured by senior managers, within the school’s agreed framework Strengths and areas for development identified and then used to promote improvement in other subjects ….. Teachers accurately evaluate their own performance, quality assured by senior line managers Learning communities Use of other models …. All individuals demonstrate responsibility for improving teaching – led at all levels Intervention led/recovery based teaching Most children are making progress with QFT QFT widespread and established: more focused/targeted individual work New teaching approaches; new pedagogies; new curricular Impact: there is compliance in practice across the school and from this consistency is grown Impact: standards rise, progress rates improve, Impact: gaps narrow, progress rates improve, personalised learning experiences are developing Impact: gaps narrow, progress rates improve, personalised learning experiences for all; staff have ownership Monitoring – McKinsey journeys