California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) 2014 Test Security Guidelines March 26, – 10:30 a.m.
2014 Test Security Guidelines 2 Introductions Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations General Test Security Guidelines Test Security Guidelines for the Paper-Pencil Tests Test Security Guidelines for the Computer- based Field Test Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities Test Security Auditor Activities Agenda
2014 Test Security Guidelines 3 By the end of this Webcast, Local Education Agency (LEA) CAASPP coordinators will be able to train their LEA staff on test security guidelines and procedures for the 2014 administration of paper-pencil tests as well as the computer-based Field Test. Purpose and Goal
Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations
2014 Test Security Guidelines 5 New regulations were adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) on January 15, The new regulations address: –New security agreements and affidavits –Testing windows –LEA CAASPP coordinator roles and responsibilities Available on the California Department of Education (CDE) Web site: Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations
2014 Test Security Guidelines 6 The STAR Test Security Agreements and Affidavits submitted earlier this school year are no longer valid. Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations
2014 Test Security Guidelines 7 Test Security Agreement: New form for 2014 is available Applies for the current school year ( ) only Applies to both paper-pencil and computer-based testing All LEA CAASPP coordinators must submit a signed copy to California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC). −Over 75% of all LEAs have already submitted their new signed agreement to CalTAC. −CalTAC is contacting the LEAs that have not yet submitted the new test security agreements. Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations
2014 Test Security Guidelines 8 Test Security Affidavit: New form for 2014 is available Applies for the current school year ( ) only Applies to both paper-pencil and computer-based testing Must be signed by: −LEA CAASPP coordinator, test site coordinators and test administrators −Any LEA or school staff, including proctors hired by the school or LEA who will have access to CAASPP testing materials LEA CAASPP coordinators keep affidavits on file at the LEA; should not be submitted to CalTAC Requirements in the Emergency Testing Regulations
General Test Security Guidelines
2014 Test Security Guidelines 10 All secure test materials must be handled and stored securely. −For paper-pencil tests, lock in secure storage with limited access, count test booklets before and after a testing session, train staff on the procedures. −For computer-based tests, lock any printed rosters in secure storage with limited access, train staff on procedures. The use of unauthorized electronic devices (i.e., cellphones) in the testing session is prohibited. Seat students so that they cannot easily view each other's work. General Test Security Guidelines
2014 Test Security Guidelines 11 Cover or remove materials on the classroom walls that may provide information to students during testing. Actively monitor students during testing. Securely destroy secure test materials that do not need to be returned to the Educational Testing Service (ETS) or the scoring center. Report irregularities and improprieties. −Test administrators (TAs) report to the site coordinator and/or to the LEA CAASPP coordinator. General Test Security Guidelines
2014 Test Security Guidelines 12 What are secure test materials? –For paper-pencil tests: Test booklets Answer documents (blank Pre-ID and any with student responses recorded) California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Examiner’s Manuals, Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) Grade 2 Direction for Administration (DFA) Scratch paper with student’s work General Test Security Guidelines
2014 Test Security Guidelines 13 What are secure test materials? (continued) –For computer-based tests: Student login information Administrator login information to the Test Delivery System Rosters of students scheduled to take the test Scratch paper with student’s work The Smarter Balanced Field Test questions General Test Security Guidelines
Test Security Guidelines for the Paper-Pencil Tests
2014 Test Security Guidelines 15 Receive, count, store, distribute, track, collect, count and return materials. Return materials promptly to LEA. Handle the secure test materials according to the instructions. −Make sure test booklets and answer documents are passed out to the correct student. −Have secure storage with limited access. No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing. Test Security Guidelines for the Paper-Pencil Tests
Test Security Guidelines for Computer-based Field Test
2014 Test Security Guidelines 17 Preventing Security Violations LEA staff, school staff, and Test Administrators play a critical role in monitoring the testing session and adhering to directions for standardized administration Be familiar with test security protocols outlined in the California Online Field Test Administration Manual (TAM) –Section 3.0 –Appendix B
2014 Test Security Guidelines 18 Before and During Field Testing All test items and test materials must remain secure and must be appropriately handled –Includes creating a secure testing environment for what students can see, hear, or access Test Administrator is ultimately responsible for monitoring and reporting test security issues –inappropriate Internet access –any other improper display, printing, photographing, duplicating, or sharing of test questions.
2014 Test Security Guidelines 19 As Testing Starts and During Testing Ensure that students have properly logged in and are taking the test for which they are scheduled. Monitor students taking the test for any breach of the secure browser; has not allowed students to: –access external sites –other resources on their testing device during the assessment.
2014 Test Security Guidelines 20 TAs may provide each student with their first name only and Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) in written or electronic format in order for them to log into the FT. Student login information is considered secure material, so it must be provided to, and viewable only by, the student to whom the login information pertains. Must be returned to the test site coordinator, stored in a secure location between testing sessions, and securely destroyed immediately after testing. Student Login for the Field Test
2014 Test Security Guidelines 21 Ensure there is adequate space between students so that they cannot see each other’s work. −If using a computer lab, consider using temporary dividers (e.g., folders taped to the sides of the monitors). Test the equipment and network to be used during testing. −Report any workarounds to the secure browser to CDE and CalTAC. −Some software (e.g., teacher monitoring software, Apple AirPlay) may need to be disabled or monitored locally. Test Security Guidelines for Computer-based Field Test
2014 Test Security Guidelines 22 Maintaining Test Security on iPads TAs must monitor the use of: The dictionary that is native to the iPad. –Remains accessible when students enter text into a text box AirPlay –A feature that can be used to display what’s on a computer screen onto another display (e.g., TV, SmartBoard) –Remains accessible with the secure browser –AirPlay is deliberately enabled in order to provide test accessibility for visually impaired students but could be misused
Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities
2014 Test Security Guidelines 24 Testing Impropriety: Unusual circumstance that has a low impact on the testing individual or group of students Low risk of affecting student performance, test security, or test validity Correctable and containable at local level Must be reported to LEA CAASPP coordinator or test site coordinator Example: Students talking during testing Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities
2014 Test Security Guidelines 25 Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities Testing Impropriety Report Form Available at administration/forms/. administration/forms/
2014 Test Security Guidelines 26 Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities Impropriety incident occurs TA reports to test site coordinator or LEA CAASPP coordinator Test site coordinator reports to LEA CAASPP coordinator LEA CAASPP coordinator resolves issue and retains incident forms at the LEA Reporting Test Security Improprieties:
2014 Test Security Guidelines 27 Testing Irregularity: Unusual circumstance that impacts the testing individual or group of students May affect student performance, test security, or test validity Correctable and containable at the local level Submitted in the online system for resolution of the Appeal for testing impact LEA CAASPP coordinator must report to the CDE within 24 hours Examples: Student accessing or using electronic equipment (e.g., cell phone) Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities
2014 Test Security Guidelines 28 Testing Irregularity Report Form Available at administration/forms/. administration/forms/ Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities
2014 Test Security Guidelines 29 Procedures for Reporting Improprieties and Irregularities Irregularity incident occurs TA reports to test site coordinator or LEA CAASPP coordinator Test site coordinator reports to LEA CAASPP coordinator LEA CAASPP coordinator reports to the CDE Reporting Test Security Irregularities: California regulations require that irregularities be reported to the CDE within 24 hours (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Education, § 859 [e]). − irregularity forms to
Test Security Audits
2014 Test Security Guidelines 31 Conducted throughout the state Separate site visits from the Field Test support site visits Auditors will: −Observe test security processes being used. −Interview the site CAASPP coordinator or designee. Summary reports will be provided to the CDE and will be shared with LEA CAASPP coordinator Test Security Audits
2014 Test Security Guidelines 33 Help Desk Support The California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) is there to support all LEA CAASPP coordinators! Available Monday – Friday from 7 a.m.– 5 p.m. PT Phone: Web site: