My Fast Plant Growth Journal By Mason Brown
Planting the Seeds Date:9-15-08 Day:1 Height:0 Observation: We put soil in a quad and put fertilizer and seeds in it. Prediction: It will grow fast into a flower.
First Leaves Date:9-22-08 Day:8 Height: 3 ½ cm Observation: My plant grew almost every day. Prediction: It will get bigger and grow flowers.
True Leaves & Flower Buds Date: 9-29-08 Day: 15 Height:14 cm Observation: It grew and got some buds. It also has true leaves. Prediction: It will grow yellow flowers.
Flowers & Pollination Date: 10-6-08 Day: 22 Height: 22 cm Observation: My plant grew buds and flowers. Prediction: It will grow more flowers.
Pods Date: 10-15-08 Day: 31 Height: 14 cm Observation: My plant bent over. Prediction: It will get taller.
Seeds Date:10-27-08 Day:43 I collected 5 seeds.
Growth Graph