{ Dairy Cattle Breeds
Origin: Scotland (late 1700’s) Imported to the US in the 1800’s Description of breed: Red and White with the shade of red ranging from brown to mahogany. Moderate Size and should reach 1,200 lbs at maturity. Ayrshire
Breed Strengths & Characteristics: Used to be known for their horns (more than a foot long) now they are dehorned. Forage well. exceptionally sound mammary glands and feet and legs. feet and legs. Moderate butterfat breed Avg. 3.9% Average Annual Milk Production: 17,000 lbs. per cycle (305 days) Ayrshire
Origin: Developed in Switzerland Imported to the US in the late 1800’s Description of breed: Bred as dual-purpose animals – size and strength make them popular draft animals. Light to dark brown, slow to mature Larger than the Jersey Breed Brown Swiss
Breed Strengths & Characteristics: Believed to be one of the oldest breeds in dairy cattle. Friendly disposition Long-lived Large milk output (2 nd to Holstein) 14,700 lbs. per cycle Moderate Butterfat Breed Avg 4% Brown Swiss
Origin: Developed on the Isle of Guernsey in the English Channel from foundation stock of French cattle Imported to the US in the 1830’s Description of breed: Medium-framed Golden/red and white coat color Guernsey
Breed Strengths & Characteristics: The Guernsey cow is known for producing high- butterfat, high-protein milk with a high concentration of beta-carotene. Produce high quality milk, but consume 20 to 30 percent less feed Popular to those who make cheese and butter High butterfat breed Avg. 4.5% Average Annual Milk Production: 14,700 lbs. per cycle Guernsey
Origin: Developed in the Netherlands imported to US in 1852 Description of breed: Distinctive black and white color pattern Recessive genes for red color Large breedHolstein
Breed Strengths & Characteristics: Most popular dairy breed in the U.S More than 90% of cattle are Holsteins Can be bred at 15 months of age Ranked number 1 for milk production Lowest butterfat breed Avg % Average Annual Milk Production: 28,000 lbs. per cycle Holstein
Origin: Developed on the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel Imported to the U.S in 1850 Description of breed: Light fawn to black color Dished face and large dark eyes Excellent udder conformation Jersey
Breed Strengths & Characteristics: With an average weight of 900 pounds, the Jersey produces more pounds of milk per pound of body weight than any other breed. Highest Butterfat Breed! 4.9% Average Annual Milk Production: 16,000 lbs. per cycle Jersey