ELEC 4600 RADAR & NAVIGATION Lecturer: R. Edwards
RADAR & NAVIGATION Engineering is Applied Science Many areas of science and mathematics are applied to solve the problems associated with Radar and Navigation
RADAR & NAVIGATION Some examples are: Antennas RF circuit design Plane geometry Spherical geometry Probability and statistics DSP – discrete-time signal processing Orbital mechanics Matrix algebra
NAVIGATION The first half of the course will cover NAVIGATION, in particular, aircraft navigation
NAVIGATION The science of determining the position of a vehicle relative to the position of its destination
NAVIGATION Course Outline (1) Basic Information Units and Conventions Lines of Position and Position Fixes – Geometry Requirement for air navigation systems Relative Navigation Systems NDB/ADF (Non-Directional Beacon/Automatic Direction Finder) VOR (VHF Omnirange) TACAN DME
NAVIGATION Course Outline (2) Absolute Navigation Systems Multi-DME LORAN-C GPS INS Navigation Fundamentals Position Fix Transformations Dead-Reckoning Calculations Most Probable Position Calculations Course Line Computations
Organizational Framework (The players in the game) Navigation Organizational Framework (The players in the game) International – ICAO National – FAA/Nav Canada, Transport Canada/CAA Industry – ARINC/RTCA
International ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) An organization of the United Nations Responsible for recommending standards for civil aviation systems and procedures (SARPs STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES) NOTE: Responsibility for implementation rests with individual countries. Countries may elect not to follow recommended procedures and if they do so will file an exception
National USA - FAA Canada – Transport Canada and Nav Canada Transport Canada (government) Develops and Enforces Rules and Regulations Nav Canada (not-for profit) Installs/maintains navigation aids and air traffic radars Operates air traffic control system
Industry ARINC (Aeronautical Radio Incorporated) Develops standards for interchangeability of avionics equipment Equipment chassis, mounting racks and and connectors (ATR Digital Data bus standards (ARINC 429, 469)
Industry RTCA (Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics) Made up of representatives from avionics and airline industries and government agencies Develops functional specifications for avionics equipment NOTE: FAA usually uses RTCA documents form basis of certification of equipment
NAVIGATION Units and Conventions Distance: Nautical Mile (NM) = 1832m exactly Speed: Knot (kt) – 1 NM/hour Angle: degrees measured Clockwise from North and is always expressed as three digits e.g. 090, 006. Note: zero is pronounced zero
North Two main North references: True (T) : the geographical North Pole (the point at which the earth’s spin axis intersects the earth’s surface in the Northern hemisphere) Magnetic (M) : the North magnetic pole VARIATION is the difference between True and Magnetic North Variation is plotted on most maps so it is fairly easy to determine True North Also there are algorithms which compute variation if rough position is known
North Conversion from Magnetic to True and Vice Versa Variation is usually given as West or East depending on whether the Magnetic Pole appears to be West or East of the True Pole East Variation is considered positive (+) True direction = Magnetic direction + Variation
Magnetic and True North 14 VARIATION
Pole Migration
Units and Conventions (Continued) Heading: The angle between the longitudinal axis of a vehicle and the North reference (can be either Magnetic or True) Relative Bearing: The angle between the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and a line joining the vehicle and the point in question
Units and Conventions
Navigation Lines of Position
Navigation Position Fix
Navigation Position Fix Geometry
Requirements for an Air Navigation System Accuracy(Allowable Error) Integrity Availability Continuity These all depend on the phase of flight
Phases of Flight Enroute – least restrictive Usually at cruising altitude - no obstacles stable situation, no conflicting traffic Terminal Area – more restrictive Lower altitude – possible obstacles less stable situation, probable conflicting traffic Approach and Landing – most restrictive Very low altitude – obstacles present on collision course with the ground - must make sure it is the runway!!
Accuracy Two main types of ERROR Flight Technical Error The difference between the actual position of the aircraft and the System Error
Requirements for Accuracy (95%) Enroute 12.4NM (Oceanic), 2.0 NM (Continental) Terminal Area 0.4 NM Landing Category I (Limits of 200Ft ceiling and ½ NM visibility) 16. m laterally and 8 m vertically
Integrity The ability of the system to warn the pilot when an out-of-tolerance condition is detected Enroute 5 minutes Terminal Area 30 seconds Landing Category I - 6 seconds Category II and III – 1 second
Availability The probability that the required navigation is usable All Modes .99 to .99999
Continuity The probability that the required navigation is available for the duration of a procedure once the procedure has been started Enroute/Terminal 10-5/hr Landing 10-6/15sec (Cat I)