New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange
We are here to discuss and act on matters relating to the business of the New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange and not to discuss or pursue the business interests of our individual companies. We should proceed with caution and alertness towards the requirements and prohibitions of federal and state antitrust laws. We should not engage in discussions – either at this meeting or in private conversations – of our individual companies’ plans or contemplated activities. We should concern ourselves only with the business of the New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange as set forth in the agenda for this meeting. Only New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange matters may be discussed at New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange meetings and each company’s market plans cannot be discussed.
Central Processor - ISO Compliance Auditor - AIPSO restore premium equity to New Jersey carriers when their policyholders with limited lawsuit option incur losses with claimants who carry no limitation on lawsuit liability coverage.
New Jersey AIRE Board of Directors Bill Bierman, Esq. (Nowell, Amoroso, Klein, Bierman) Bill Bierman, Esq. (Nowell, Amoroso, Klein, Bierman) Frank Coscia, Esq. (Gallo, Geffner, Fenster) Frank Coscia, Esq. (Gallo, Geffner, Fenster) Tom DeFalco (New Jersey Manufacturers) Tom DeFalco (New Jersey Manufacturers) Joe Demarco (Parkway) Joe Demarco (Parkway) Jim Fairbanks (Encompass) Jim Fairbanks (Encompass) Don Foth (State Farm) Don Foth (State Farm) Tom Gurrera (All County Ins. Agency) Tom Gurrera (All County Ins. Agency) Richard Hubschman, Esq. (Hubschman and Roman) Richard Hubschman, Esq. (Hubschman and Roman) Mark Keenan (Allstate) Mark Keenan (Allstate) Tom Myers (High Point) Tom Myers (High Point) Cecelia Parrish (American International Group) Cecelia Parrish (American International Group) Sam Sackey (New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance) Sam Sackey (New Jersey Department of Banking & Insurance) Russ Shaner ( AAA/Keystone) Russ Shaner ( AAA/Keystone)
New Jersey AIRE Committees Actuarial Committee Actuarial Committee Audit Committee Audit Committee Finance and Investments Committee Finance and Investments Committee Insurance and Contracts Committee Insurance and Contracts Committee
New Jersey AIRE General Manager Bill Clarke General Counsel M. Paige Berry, Esq. Reed – Smith, Princeton, New Jersey
New Jersey AIRE Statutory requirement Statutory requirement Plan of Operations Plan of Operations Procedure Manual Procedure Manual Available in paper or on the web Available in paper or on the web
ISO Central Processor Central Processor Data reporting Data reporting Assessments Assessments Reimbursements Reimbursements Annual cash settlement Annual cash settlement Website Website Budget and expenses Budget and expenses
Audits 10 carriers audited annually 10 carriers audited annually KPMG KPMG AIPSO Audit Services AIPSO Audit Services Audit process Audit process Audit follow-up Audit follow-up Penalties Penalties
New Jersey Automobile Insurance Risk Exchange