Pillar #1 Name: Shahadah
Meaning Declaration of Faith
Description “There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Announcement to the world that they believe in and follow the Qur’an. It is not enough, however, to say the words aloud. It is the duty of every Muslim to fully and completely believe these words.
PiLLAR #2 NAME: Salat
Mandatory prayer five times daily. Meaning Mandatory prayer five times daily.
Description Takes place before dawn, mid-day, late afternoon, after sunset, and after dark. Prayers are said with the person facing toward Mecca in Saudi Arabia. There is a specific type of prayer that is said and a specific way that each is said. The prayers involve the whole body. Muslims wash before they pray (wudu), and they use a mat on the floor. Prayer involves the Muslim person following specific movements as he or she prays. Throughout the prayer, a Muslim will kneel and press his or her forehead to the floor.
Meaning Mandatory Almsgiving
description Divine injunction (order) to give alms. Sincere Muslims do so gladly for the sake of and in the name of God. Islamic law states a person should give 2.5 % of their surplus wealth each year. The Zakat may be paid to those in poverty, homeless, collectors, those trying to reconcile their hearts, paying the debt of the needy, and supporting the way of Allah.
PILLAR #4 Name: Sawm
meaning Mandatory fasting
description For the month of Ramadan, Muslims are forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, or have sexual relations from dawn until dusk. Act of worship; abstaining from pleasures in order to develop spiritual purity. Exemptions are given to people who are old, sick, and for very young children. Fasting ends with one day festival- Eid al-Fitr. Also try to avoid negative things like gossip, sarcasm, lust etc.
Pillar #5 Name: Hajj
Mandatory Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca) meaning Mandatory Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca)
Description Hajj is undertaken by any Muslim in the world who has the health and means to make the pilgrimage. Pilgrims throw pebbles at three tall stone pillars that represent Satan. Pray Walk around Kabbah