A Leader’s Guide to the Wild West Award
What is the Wild West Award? The Wild West Award is awarded to outstanding leadership programs within the Western Region To receive the award, councils must meet the criteria predetermined for your success! Awards will be presented at the State Conference
Why Should We Apply for the Wild West Award? That’s a great question! The Wild West Award was created to help keep your council on track to receive the Silver Star Award The criteria for the Wild West Award was created to help your council become successful and to give you a launch pad for other great activities and events
Getting Started The Wild West Award might seem overwhelming! Try breaking it up into chunks. Remember, in order for events and activities to count towards this award, they need to be completed between July 1, 2014 and March 1, 2015
Month of Kindness Takes place during the month of October Involves your entire campus Let the people on your campus know how appreciated they are! Leave kind notes on lockers, put up inspiring posters, hire a motivational speaker, etc. Maybe you even start an anti-bullying campaign or host an awareness week!
Charitable Contribution Donate to one local or national charity of your council’s choice The goal is to help the awesome organizations in our community Host a “Miracle Minute”, donate a portion of a fundraiser to an organization, etc.
Spirit Activities Host at least two school wide spirit activities (the more the merrier) Let’s show off all of that school spirit! These can be rallies, assemblies, tailgates, etc.
Staff Appreciation Our staff does so much for us; let’s show them how much we appreciate it! Make sure you include your school’s ENTIRE staff, including: janitors, kitchen staff, maintenance, etc. Send them all nice handwritten notes, give out homemade treats, etc.
Leadership Training Make sure you have a council/leadership training Train not only new, but returning members as well Host a retreat, in class training, etc. for your leadership P.S. This is a great bonding activity too!
Student Recognition Your kids work hard, make sure you recognize them! This is different than the month of kindness activity! Here the goal is to recognize a student or group for something they’ve done particularly well Host a 4.0 party, recognize members of a sports team, celebrate students of the month, etc.
Meetings There are multiple President and Advisor Meetings each year. Make sure you attend at least two of the three meetings. Make sure you sign the sign in sheet! It is evidence a member of your school was in attendance. P.S. It is recommended to send a president to these meeting, however, not a requirement. Any officer can attend. You can even bring multiple representatives!
Now What? Okay, so my school has completed the requirements within the July 1 st – March 1 st time frame. What do I do now? Fill out the Wild West Award checklist (which can be found online at The checklist must be postmarked to BMCHS by March 24, 2015 or handed in at the final President Meeting
Questions? Send an to and your friendly Western Representative will help you resolve any Good luck with all of your activities!