Denotation and Connotation
Denotation the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests. the dictionary definition For example, the denotation of the adjective “fat” is having a large amount of excess flesh. What other words have the same denotation as “fat”?
Connotation an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning. For example, the connotation of the adjective “fat” is negative, and often used as an insult. Do other words that share the denotation of “fat” have the same connotation?
Group Work In groups you will be assigned a list of words that all share the same DENOTATIONS, but have different CONNOTATIONS. You might need a dictionary for this. Your group will identify each word as positive, negative, or neutral, and create a scale to rank the connotations of the words. Your group will chose 3-4 of the words from the list and demonstrate their CONNOTATIONS in a short skit— keep it school appropriate and be sure to include the words in your skit.