How to benefit from it What it accomplishes
Gives life to sinners, Jno 14:6; Col. 3:4 We only have spiritual life because He died, Jno. 3:16-17 – Love of God, Rom. 5:8 – Grace of God, Heb. 2:9 We must appreciate what the blood of Christ (death) accomplishes 2 Blood of Christ
His blood (sacrificial death) must be applied to our sins, 1 Tim. 2:6 – God applies the blood of Christ to the sins of those who have faith in Jesus, Rom. 3:26 – Baptized into His death, Rom. 6:3 – Action of faith obtains cleansing, Acts 22:16 Christians: Confess sin and pray, 1 Jno. 1:9; Acts 8:22 3 Blood of Christ
Remission of sins, Jno. 1:29 – Pardon, Heb. 9:22; 10:17-18 (Acts 3:19) Dedicated His new covenant, Matt. 26:28; Heb. 9:15-17 – Announced on Pentecost, Acts 2 – Lord’s Supper memorializes and proclaims the death by which we possess covenant blessings (1 Cor. 11:26); 1 Pet. 1:3-5 4 Blood of Christ
Reconciliation with God, Col. 1:19-23 – “The meaning of the word is simply at- one-ment, i.e., the state of being at one or being reconciled, so that atonement is reconciliation.” (Easton’s Dictionary) – Atonement is the effect of the offering of Christ’s life (shedding blood, Eph. 2:16) – Now received, Rom. 5: Blood of Christ
Redemption through blood, Eph. 1:7 – Forgiveness: “a releasing effected by payment of ransom…redemption… deliverance…liberation procured by the payment of a ransom” (Thayer), Rev. 5:9 – Jesus gave His life as the ransom price for sinners, Matt. 20:28; 1 Pet. 1: Blood of Christ
Justification by His blood, Rom. 5:9; 3:24 – Declared just, rendered righteous, innocent – Faultless: Freed from the guilt of sin and from its just penalty, Rom. 5:1; Gal. 2:16 7 Blood of Christ
Propitiation by His death, Rom. 3:25 (1 Jno. 4:10) – To appease wrath and thus obtain mercy – As High Priest, Christ secures mercy for sinners with His blood, Heb. 9:11-12 (cf. Lev. 16:15-16) – We may enter God’s presence because of His blood, Heb. 10: Blood of Christ
Sanctification with His own blood, Heb. 13:12 – “To separate from profane things and dedicate to God” (Thayer) Cleanses conscience from dead works (sin), Heb. 9:14 Perfected forever, Heb. 10:14 Washing (purifying), Rev. 1:5 9 Blood of Christ
Purchased His church with His own blood, Acts 20:28 – Promise of salvation, Eph. 5:23 – Cleansed/sanctified by blood, Eph. 5:25-26 – Must be in His church to be saved by blood – Entrance into this blood-bought body, Acts 2:36-41, 47 Faith, confess faith, repent, be baptized 10 Blood of Christ
Without the blood of Christ applied to our sins we are forever lost – With it, we “receive the promise of the eternal inheritance,” Heb. 9:15 Without the word of his cross we would not know how to be saved (1 Cor. 1:18) – With it we, are being saved by the power of God 11 Blood of Christ