BOOKS AND AUTHORS on the WORLD WIDE WEB A workshop for Book Group Members ……and Book Lovers! New Canaan Library February 2002
Objectives 1. To identify the types of book/author/literature information available on the Web 2. To identify online resources for each type of information and learn how to use them 3. To use the New Canaan Library Homepage as an access point for many of these resources
Book Groups and the New Canaan Library Book Talk Reader’s Choice Series Book Group Collection books search at (search as a subject heading in the catalog or in the Featured Lists) Special scholar-led programs and book/author programs
What type of information? Book reviews Author information Literary criticism Reader reactions Book lists (Book awards, Genre fiction, Readalikes) Discussion guides, recommendations, and book talks Book buying Full text sources
Tools for Navigating the Web Cursor (pointer that you control with the mouse) Hyperlinks New Canaan Library Homepage New Canaan Library Homepage (click on the hyperlink to go to that site) Little pointing hand (tells you the text or picture is a hyperlink) Hourglass (tells you to wait while page loads) Stop button (when a page takes too long to load, click on it to stop) Back button (takes you back to a previous page) Home button (takes you to the site’s home page)
Search Engines and Subject Guides to the Internet yahoo google Librarians’ Index to the Internet
Library Gateways Internet Public Library Connecticut Digital Library New Canaan Library
The New Canaan Library Homepage Your Library Gateway to “THE INVISIBLE WEB”
The NCL Homepage: Online Resource Databases Connecticut Digital Library (IConn) –General Reference Center Gold –Newspaper Collection –InfoTrac One File Galenet (Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Authors, Literary Criticism) Novelist: Your Guide to Fiction –Book lists, articles, book discussion guides EbscoHost Link to Online ResourcesLink to Online Resources
The NCL Homepage: Virtual Reference Desk Books & Literature –Book Search and Reviews –Discussion Groups –Reading Lists –Literary Criticism Libraries –convenient links to Internet Public Library, Library of Congress, local, state, and national libraries
Summary of Searches BEE SEASON / Myla Goldberg (Doubleday, 2000) (division of Random House) Information in Amazon and Barnes & Noble Reviews in Gen. Ref. Center Gold, Custom Newspapers, Infotrac OneFile, Ebsco Discussion guides in ReadingGroupGuides, Novelist, and on Random House page Not in IPL Literary Criticism or Galenet
Summary of Searches JOHN ADAMS / David McCullough (Simon & Schuster, 2001) Information in Amazon and Barnes & Noble Reviews in Gen. Ref. Center Gold, Custom Newspapers, Infotrac OneFile, Ebsco BookReporter has a review, excerpt, and author biography. Discussion guides not found. Not in IPL Literary Criticism. Galenet has a profile of McCullough’s life and works in Contemporary Authors.
Summary of Searches BONESETTER’S DAUGHTER / Amy Tan (PenguinPutnam, 2001) Information in Amazon and Barnes & Noble Reviews in Gen. Ref. Center Gold, Custom Newspapers, Infotrac OneFile, Ebsco BookReporter has a review, excerpt, and author biography. Novelist has summary, reviews, link to Amy Tan’s homepage. Discussion guides in ReadingGroupGuides and on PenguinPutnam page. Article and links in IPL Literary Criticism. Galenet has 26 citations and articles about Tan and her books.
Thank you for participating in Books and Authors on the World Wide Web at the New Canaan Library Presented by Lauren Phillips, Librarian