Social Tagging In The Enterprise: Different Drivers, Different Implementations David Hobbie Litigation Knowledge Manager June 25, 2008 ©2007. Goodwin Procter LLP
About Goodwin Procter LLP 850 lawyers; 1650 people 8 offices: Boston, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and San Diego Areas of strategic focus include: Intellectual Property/Patent Litigation, Real Estate and Real Estate Capital Markets, Private Equity Financial Services, and Technology Companies/Life Sciences
Knowledge Management Team Trudy Alicia DavidDoug Patty
Tagging is the “T” in SLATES* Search Links Authorship Tags Extensions Signals *Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration, Andrew McAfee, MIT/Sloan Management Review, Spring 2006, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp
Drivers of Tagging on the Web Retrieve one’s own stored information more easily Take advantage of other people’s tags Comments?
Business Drivers of Enterprise Tagging: FIND TOO LITTLE We can’t find documents We can’t find internal experts We don’t know about new work
Business Drivers of Enterprise Tagging: FIND TOO MUCH Places to go look Taxonomies Similar Documents
Adapting Web 2.0 Social Bookmarking To The Enterprise Security, security, and security Groups / Tasks / Projects User identification Outside the firewall Versions
What Drives Enterprise Adoption? Enhanced findability Workflow (cf: “traditional KM”) Millenial / Gen. X; Ambition, Self- promotion Gen Y; engagement
What Features Enhance Tagging Adoption? Help features Tagging Description
Variations in Enterprise Tagging--Search How are tags exposed through search? Guided navigation Search relevancy
Variations in Enterprise Tagging—What you can tag Is tagging linked into DMS, or is it limited to social software activity (blogs, wikis)? Can you tag people? Groups? Can you tag an activity or project? Can you tag external web resources?
Can you subscribe to RSS or alerts for a specific tag or tags? Can projects be privately set up and tagged for a group? (layers of security) How much of people's work is exposed? Variations in Enterprise Tagging—Publishing & Security
What Tagging Does For An Enterprise Few tag, many consume Identify others working on same subjects through finding comparable tags Highlights stronger content Distinguishes otherwise similar work product
Common Problems With Enterprise Adoption Don’t tag everything “document” Don’t suggest tags on content except from a person’s own tags Too many similar tags (stemming, plurals)
Common Problem Solutions Prompting on single tagging Stemming Synonym Identification Taxonomist?
Sharepoint Tagging Vendors Connectbeam “Spotlight”—tag anything with a URL Newsgator “Social Sites”—tag RSS feed information