Local Funding Opportunities Heather Bradford Derbyshire Dales Business Advice
Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) LEADER Within Derbyshire - £3,123,000
Support for micro/small enterprises New start up businesses and support for existing businesses: New jobs/safeguarded jobs and increasing profitability
Leader Contact Details: Peak LEADER: Amanda Brown / the-peak-2015-to-2020 Bolsover and North East Derbyshire: Richard Madin / the-peak-2015-to
Invest to Grow Minimum grant £15,000 ( £50,000 total investment required) Maximum award size is £1m. Grants and loans are available (or a blend of both). 30% maximum intervention rate Target sectors( but not exclusive to): transport equipment manufacturing, medicine/bio-science, construction, food and drink manufacturing, logistics, low carbon
What costs can be considered Land and building costs Equipment costs Operating costs, including costs of materials, supplies and similar products incurred directly as a result of the project. Staff costs i.e. researchers, technicians and other supporting staff employed on the project Costs associated with training the workforce to introduce the innovation into the production process of the company – including trainers’ personnel costs, materials & supplies, travel expenses, tools and equipment used for the training, cost of guidance and counselling services Cost for research or technical knowledge
Invest to Grow contact details Application packs are available from the Invest to Grow helpline on or or you can download the application materials at