CLLD 2014-2020 Anna Parizán Rural Development Desk Officer Ministry of Rural Development 28. May 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

CLLD Anna Parizán Rural Development Desk Officer Ministry of Rural Development 28. May 2014.

Ex-ante Evaluation Strategic Environmental Assessment Monitoring of the New Hungary Rural Development Programme ( ) Development of organizational structure SWOT analysis, assessment VP 1.0 Development of goals and directions VP 2.0 Development of priorities VP 3.0 Formulation of the indicative content of the measures VP 4.0 Measures Monitoring and evaluation plan SWOT Analysis Planning of the Rural Development Programme

EAFRD allocation for the programming period Billion € ChangeChange (%) EU total budget CAP budget Direct Payments Rural Development CAP budget in Hungary10,412,31,9118 Hungarian CAP budget in the EU (%)2,363,190,83135 Direct Payments in Hungary6,68,82,3135 Rural Development budget in Hungary3,93,5-0,489

4 EAFRD co-financing rates Hungary gives the maximum contribution (No national top-up): Less developed regions (6 regions out of 7): 85% Developed regions (Central Hungary): 53% „Green" measures (all locations): 75% Knowledge transfer; Producer groups; cooperation; LEADER: Developed regions: 80% Less developed regions: 90% Financial instruments; I pillar amounts transferred: 100%

5 CLLD Demarcation of rural areas Principles: The demarcation is the same for the whole Priority 6 and CLLD/Leader; There is no radical change regarding the demarcation of ; As result of the demarcation a settlement list will be delivered which will be part of the calls. We consider it important to provide opportunities for the urban-rural cooperation. The demarcation of is based on the programming period The definition of rural areas ( ): Settlements with less than (3007 settlements with 3,97 million inhabitants, km2) Population density with less than 120 inhabitants/km2 (another 35 settlements with million inhabitants, 7007 km2) Settlements which would be excluded based on these criteria, but the inhabitants of its periphery is more than 2% (only with the periphery).

6 LAGs LAGs - The whole rural area of Hungary was covered by LAGs

7 LAGs After a long process the final decision on CLLD is: MONOFUND + calls from other founds for LAGs. Those measures won’t be indicated in the LDSs. Pilot programme: ERDF/ESF – CLLD in cities The process of the reorganization and preliminary recognition of the future LAG territories almost finished. The whole eligible country should be covered (110LAGs) – but smaller budget : more than 480 million EUR from Axis III through LAGs 272 million EUR on LEADER Total amount: 752 million EUR : CLLD public expenditure in rural areas: 170 million EUR Population covered by LAG – 4.5 million inhabitants

8 Standardisation of LAGs Training Since there is an uncertainty in the system (the Government didn’t set up yet, there is no MA for , etc.) difficult to plan the trainings. Without any certain framework we plan: On-going trainings; Online e-learning system (set up until 31th of May); Translation of the CLLD Guide to Hungarian; Providing templates for LDS.

9 Title of the module 1.EU, CAP, LEADER approach 2. How to develop and implement a strategy? 3.Community based planning 4.Local economy development 5.Community building and social development 6.Environment 7.Sustainability and global issues 8.Cooperation and networking Training - Thematic modules I.

10 The structure (minimum content) of a module: clarifying the definitions (e.g. LDS, innovation, beneficiary, etc.), theoretical background, practical and good practice examples, workshop. The training organization has to provide the following tools per modules: thematic education plan, ppt presentation or other format, pages "textbook" per modules, list of recommended professional literature. The participation is obligatory for the potential LAG managers and optional for the other stakeholders dealing with LEADER. As closure an examination will be organized. Training - Thematic modules II.

11 „Bridge the gap” On-going implementation of the following measures: LEADER – Implementation of the LDS 3rd call LEADER – Transnational cooperation LEADER – Inter-territorial cooperation Axis III. – Development of tourism activities Additional duties: Territorial reorganization (already done) Training Preparation of the LDS Evaluation of the period

12 Thank you for your kind attention! Anna Parizán Ministry of Rural Development Department of Rural Development Rural Development Unit 1055 Budapest, Kossuth tér