Emerging Issues in Conservation: Pollinators and Conservation Laurie Davies Adams Asian Pacific Islander Organization Conference 2009
POLLINATION and CONSERVATION An Emerging Issue... A partnership between plants and animals... that has been in operation for 100 million years
An emerging leader... That has been a representing pollinator issues for over 13 years The world’s largest organization devoted to the health of pollinators
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign NAPPC
Some NAPPC Partners The Xerces Society
US Postal Service Pollination Stamps
What is pollination? Transfer of pollen from anther (male part) to stigma (female part) of a flowering plant.
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Kinds of pollination Self Wind Water Animal
Pollination by Wind Wheat Corn Rice Oats Barley
Pollination by Animals almonds broccoli peppers cashews cauliflower collards cucumbers eggplant gourds kale kholrabi lemon lettuce mustard muskmelon okra parsley parsnip pumpkins rutabaga squashes watermelons and more..
Vertebrate Pollinators
Vanilla and Bees
Chocolate and Flies
Palm Oil and Beetles
Poor Pollination
If We Lose the Pollinators, We Inherit their Work
Why is this important? 80% of food plant species worldwide depend on pollination by animals. Honeybees and other pollinators are responsible for up to $30 billion worth of products in the US annually, $250 billion worldwide.
Feeding the world’s human population Feeding and sheltering the world’s wildlife
Worldwide pollinators are showing signs of decline
1987 – 5-10% 2006 – 25% 2007 – 31% 2008 – 35% Colony Collapse Disorder US Annual Average Loss
Causes: A combination of stresses Invasive species Loss of habitat Pesticides and herbicides Disease Nutritional deficiencies
Not Just Honey Bees Bumble Bees Bats Flies Butterflies Unknown
NAPPC Strategy All Species Science-Based All of North America All Stakeholders –Government –NGO –Science and Academia –Private Industry –Agriculture
Variety of Perspectives Agriculture Education Conservation Research Policy
Pollinator Protection is a Unique Issue That Unifies
P2’s Strategic Decision to ‘Pollinate’ Existing Programs Instead of Advocating New Programs
Protecting and Enhancing Funding for USDA Conservation Programs
Farm Bill 2008 First Time in History Conservation and Research Titles Native and Managed Pollinators Urges Secretary to use ALL conservation programs for pollinators
Creates New Constituencies Advocating for Funding Native Pollinator Advocates Honey Bee Industry Grassroots “Pollinator Action Team” Despite some mandatory funding – conservation has frequently been raided –Group Letters –Members of Congress
All USDA Conservation Programs Can Be ‘Pollinated’ Conservation Innovation Grants Environmental Quality Incentives Program Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program Wetlands Reserve Program
Grassland Reserve Program Conservation of Private Grazing Land and Grazing Land Conservation Initiative Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative Grassroots Source Water Protection Program
Emergency Landscape Protection Program Natural Resources Inventory and Conservation Effects Assessment Project Environmental Services Market Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program Farm and Ranchlands Protection Program Conservation Stewardship Program Conservation Reserve Program
Each USDA Program has OTHER Primary Missions Practices that benefit native and managed pollinators can be incorporated into program implementation –Without interfering with the primary objectives –Likely strengthening of the conservation value of each program
Securing Funding for USDA Research for Native and Managed Pollinator Health and Conservation
We are asking others to help with Pollinator Conservation
Realizing the Potential of Farm Bill Pollinator Conservation Provisions
P2 is committed to being a resource and partner to NRCS Ecoregional Guides Montana CIG National CIG
Emerging Issues Affecting Pollinator Conservation –Bioenergy Production –Climate Change –Reduced CRP acreage, sodbuster
Pollinator Policy Initiatives at State/Local Levels
What Anyone Do as Pollinator Conservation Advocate Pollinate programs Take ideas and run with them Ask for the tools you need Experience pollinators in your habitat Take advantage of National Pollinator Week
National Pollinator Week June 21-27, 2010 Proclamation by US Sec. of Agriculture And US Senate
AGREEMENTS - MOU’s 1.5 Billion Acres
IABIN PTN Pollinator DATA pollinators.iabin.net
NACD - NAPPC Farmer Rancher Award Sept. 18 DEADLINE
Online Eco-regional Planting Guides FREE Zip Code Locator
Animal pollination is vital for agriculture, gardens, and ecosystems.
Thank you for your help for and support of pollinators