2007 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey Bruce Schultz, Dean of Students and Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Development Michael Votava, Associate Director of Residence Life
Learning Outcomes Participants will learn the demographics, methodology and results from the 2007 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey for UAA. Participants will compare the results to the same survey administered at UAA in 2005, the UA system in 2007, and Western Universities in Participants will explore how the results impact our practice.
Noel-Levitz Survey Administered November, 2007 at UAA Administered at over 1,000 Universities Student Satisfaction Inventory –88 Standard Items –10 Campus Items Used Banner to Develop List Initial and 1 Reminder 1,171 participants
What Is Measured? Student Satisfaction with … –Academic Advising Effectiveness –Campus Climate –Campus Support Services –Concern for the Individual –Instructional Effectiveness –Recruitment and Financial Aid Effectiveness –Registration Effectiveness –Responsiveness to Diverse Populations –Safety and Security –Service Excellence –Student Centeredness –Campus Life
Example: Standard Item 1 of 88 Most students feel a sense of belonging on campus. Importance: 5.46 / 7 Satisfaction: 4.82 / 7
Why do we care about student satisfaction? Unmet expectations and low satisfaction appear to be the key factor in the attrition of students in good standing from institutions of higher learning (Bank & Biddle, 1992). Students are more likely to be retained if they feel appropriate academic and personal support is available to them (Richardson & Rutherford, 1995).
Student Satisfaction at UA President Hamilton has made it a priority to attract and retain Alaskan students in the UA system (Hamilton, 2000). Subsequently, the Noel-Levitz survey has been conducted at UA in fall 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007.
Demographics of Fall 2007 UAA Noel-Levitz Survey Gender –777 Females (66%) –394 Males (34%) Current Class Load –686 Full-Time (59%) –476 Part-Time (41%)
Demographics of Fall 2007 UAA Noel-Levitz Survey Age –87 (18 and Under)7% –459 (19 to 25) 40% –313 (25 to 34)27% –158 (35 to 44)14% –141 (45 and Over)12%
Demographics of Fall 2007 UAA Noel-Levitz Survey Class Level –258 Freshman (22%) –267 Sophomore (23%) –236 Junior (20%) –203 Senior (17%) –207 Other (18%)
Demographics of Fall 2007 UAA Noel-Levitz Survey Current Residence –102 Residence Hall (9%) –432 Own House (37%) –374 Rent Room of Apt Off Campus (32%) –182 Parent’s Home (15%) –83 Other Residence (7%)
UAA Strengths Related to Student Services My academic advisor is approachable. My academic advisor is knowledgeable about requirements in my major. UAA is committed to students with disabilities. The student center is a comfortable place for students to spend their leisure time. The staff in the health services area are competent.
UAA Challenges Related to Student Services I am able to register for classes I need without conflicts. Adequate financial aid is available for most students. Financial aid awards are announced to students in time to be helpful in college planning. Student activities fees are put to good use.
Higher Satisfaction vs. Fall 2005 My academic advisor in my chosen certificate/degree area is available for my registration and advising needs. UAA offices that offer student services are open at convenient times. I am able to get the enrollment information I need with I call UAA at People from diverse cultures are treated with respect by UAA faculty and staff.
Lower Satisfaction vs. Fall 2005 I am able to register for classes I need with few conflicts.
Summary ScaleUAA 07UAA 05UA 07 Student Centeredness Campus Life Instructional Effectiveness Recruitment and Financial Aid Campus Support Services Academic Advising Registration Effectiveness Safety and Security Concern for the Individual Service Excellence Responsiveness to Diverse Populations Campus Climate
Summary Final Survey Questions UAA 2007 UAA 2005 UA 2007 So far, how has your college experience met your expectations? Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far All in all, if you had to do it all over, would you enroll here again?
Activity: Moving Forward Low Scoring Items –I am able to register for classes I need without conflicts. –Adequate financial aid is available for most students. –Financial aid awards are announced to students in time to be helpful in college planning. –Student activities fees are put to good use. Why do students feel this way? What can we do as a result?