Learning at St Cecilia’s Including setting and reports Mr Gary Caulfield Assistant Headteacher
Our Aim: “To continue the excellent work started at primary.” “St Cecilia’s is a good Catholic school with outstanding and excellent features.” (S48 Ofsted Inspection 2012)
Setting at St Cecilia’s Pupils usually in two sets (A and B) for: Maths, En, RE, Sci, IT, Hist, Tech, Geog, MFL: –A (28-30 pupils) –B (10-16 pupils) Re-set regularly, usually termly Art, Music, Pe are mixed ability groups CAT tests and teacher assessment
Setting cont… “Roughly” set at start of Y7 “Fine tuned” during first half term Reviewed regularly Not a promotion or a demotion ALL sets are of equal value ALL pupils will be pushed to fulfil their potential. Please trust our judgement
Reporting at St Cecilia’s How will I know how my child is getting on? Monitoring Autumn Term/Summer term ( on, above, below target) Parents’ Eve ( 21 st Jan 2016) Written report at end of year Four contacts per year ANY concerns please contact us If it doesn’t sound right…
Team effort “Together we can support your child’s learning” Take an interest in their work Check their books regularly Sign their planners weekly Ensure they leave the house each day with the correct equipment.
And finally… Have a good rest over the summer I look forward to meeting all the new parents I will be available to answer questions at the end Thank you
Care Support & Guidance
Contact 7A = Mrs Kelly 7C = Miss Hall If you have any concerns in the first case contact your son’s or daughter’s form tutor. Best times to contact are before school up to 8.40 am, lunch time and after school 3.05pm.
Attendance We aim for a high Attendance, over 95%. If your child is absent due to illness please contact school before 8.50am. If your child needs to go to the doctors or the dentist we ask that you try to make these appointments outside of school hours if at all possible.
School Day 8.50 amSchool starts Registration/ Collective Worship Two lessons (50 minutes each) am Break Two lessons pm Lunch Two lessons 3.05 pmSchool finishes
Uniform Boys
Parent Mail St. Cecilia’s R.C. uses Parent Mail we advise parents about various aspects of school. Newsletters. When any monitoring / reports are being brought home. Payment of Lunches / School trip. They can monitor what your child is buying for lunch. REGISTER to parent mail A.S.A.P. Very easy.
Lunch times Hot or cold meals can be purchased from the school dining room. Packed lunches. Or both. All pupils stay in school grounds at lunch time unless they are going home to a parent and we will need a note to confirm this.
Lockers All pupils need a locker for all the time their son / daughter are in school - in order to keep their belongings safe. Charge of £15 for the 5 years at St Cecilia’s R.C. High School (£3 per year). If anyone looses their key there is a small charge for a replacement key.
Buses We have a number of school buses that drop off and pick up at the school gate. Staff supervise orderly and safe boarding of the buses in the afternoon.
Provides communication between school and parents Helps with organisational skills Avoids missed homework
30mins per week per subject Given regularly – will follow a schedule To practise, reinforce and extend what is done in class – research projects / learn spellings
Form Tutors The Form Tutor should be the first person to whom a student will turn to for help or advice.
Welcome Mass Full school Uniform Time with Form Tutors to become familiar with school buildings, schedule staff…