Coach Nihart’s Fine Arts Survey Class
Opened the door for all contemporary art movements 2 Main Principles: Painting on the spot to catch the right light Use range of colors in the spectrum, not black and brown
Leaders of the Movement Monet Pissaro Renoir Cezanne Seurat
Broke down or took apart the forms of nature and reorganized the geometric elements Cubist’s added what they considered the 4 th dimension-Time
Leaders of the Movement Picasso Braque Lager Gris
Abstract Art Creation and organization of shapes/forms/colors which have no relation in nature Complete rejection of known objects Wassily Kandinsky was a pioneer of modern abstract painting
Pop Art Originated in England and quickly adopted by artists in the U.S. around 1960 Focused on familiar images
Contemporary Art Art produced at this present time or after World War II May combine or overlap with modern art
Expressionism Any type of art in which the personal emotions of the artist were important. Originated in Germany Van Gogh and El Greco
Abstract Expressionism
Violent action of splashing/slapping/dribbling paint onto a surface usually laid flat American movement to achieve worldwide influence and put New York City at the center of the western art world, a role formerly filled by Paris Accidental in nature to give the artist ideas for a more controlled design Jackson Pollock/pioneer