FSA Reading and Listening Test
Grades 6-10 Students in grades 6,7,8 will have two sessions of 85 minutes for the Reading test. Students in grades 9 and 10 will have two sessions of 90 minutes for the Reading test.
FSA Reading and Listening Test All students in grades 6-10 will be taking the Reading test on the computer. All students will be provided with a CBT worksheet that they can use to take notes on the passages. There will be around questions for grades 6-8 and questions for grades 9-10.
FSA Reading and Listening Test The test will be composed of Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Listening skills. Students will have a grammar portion in which they have to edit 2-3 paragraphs of text. Students will have a listening portion in which they have to listen to a passage that is 2-3 minutes long and answer questions. IMPORTANT:*Students need to bring their own headphones for the listening part of the test.*
FSA Reading And Listening Test Students will have the option on the computer to enlarge the font and zoom in and out and also highlight the text. Students will have a color contrast option which they should not touch unless they truly have that accommodation. Once they change the color contrast it will stay that way for the whole entire test. Students have reviewed all computer tools with their teachers in their classes and have also been practicing the question types and reading on the computer with Reading Plus.
Question Types What else is New?
Question Types What else is New?
Question Types What else is New?
It’s All or Nothing In the Two-Part, Multi-Select, Grid Response and multiple choice questions asking to choose more than one response you have to get them ALL CORRECT in order to get the question CORRECT.
Scoring: FSA Writing and Reading Test The text-based writing component will be combined with the reading component to form ONE SINGLE ELA SCORE. It has not yet been determined how much the writing component weighs compared to the reading component. There will be two separate scores as well (one for writing and one for reading). If students do not take BOTH components of the test (grades 6-10), then they will NOT receive an ELA score. When examining the rubrics, look at the overarching statements- the response doesn’t have to include ALL the bullet points underneath, but should contain most of them. (see sample on following slides) There will be 1 hand scorer and 1 automated- if the scores don’t agree, the human score prevails. If there is a big discrepancy between the 2 scores, then it will go to a 3 rd scorer and that will determine the overall score. Highest score is a 10 for the writing component.-a 7 is satisfactory. The highest score is a 5 for the reading component-level 3 is satisfactory. If the response is simply copied and there is NO original work, the response will be unscorable.
Questions? More information on all the Florida Assessments can be found online at: Practice Test and FSA Information can be found online at: