Uses, Effects, and Problems Alcohol Uses, Effects, and Problems
Introduction Types of Alcoholic Beverages Serving of alcohol = ½ oz. (all contain ethyl alcohol, but different %’s) Beer Wine Distilled spirits Serving of alcohol = ½ oz. Drinking Today P. 70 Should the legal age be changed to 18?
Rate of Absorption is Effected by: Strength of beverage Number of drinks consumed Rate of consumption Presence of food in the stomach Body weight and composition Body chemistry Which can be controlled?
Distribution of Alcohol Absorbed through capillary walls in small intestine Distributed throughout body Is a psychoactive drug Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Is a product of absorption & oxidation Legal limit in OK is .08% Table 4.2 p. 80
Oxidation of Alcohol Occurs in liver by gastric ADH enzyme .25-.3 oz. of alcohol oxidized / hr. Time to metabolize = Total oz. X % alcohol / .3 oz./hr.
Short Term Effects of Alcohol Due to effects on GABA GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that decreases arousal, aggression, & anxiety Alcohol increases effects of GABA List p. 81 Drug Interactions Table 4.3 p. 85
Long Term Effects of Alcohol Brain / Nervous System Liver Gastrointestinal tract Cardiovascular Endocrine system Immune system Cancer Hypoglycemia Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Drinking Problems Signs & symptoms of a problem drinker Enabling – inadvertently supports behavior by denying that a problem exists or by covering up “Is Alcoholism Really a Disease?”
Characteristics of Alcoholism Life-long, not curable Progressive and fatal Loss of control Adverse consequences Tolerance Withdrawal Craving Denial