1 Sunflower Project Change Agent Network Meeting #10 March 17, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Sunflower Project Change Agent Network Meeting #10 March 17, 2010

22 Carol Foreman Project Sponsor Sponsor Message

33 Welcome

44 Meeting Agenda  Welcome  Project Status & Current Events  Policy Updates  SMART Cutover Strategy  Finance Team Updates  Training Update  SMART Support  SMART/SH A RP Integration  Agency Task List Update  Wrap Up

55 Welcome and Introductions Presenters Kent Olson, Project Director Peggy Hanna, Deputy Project Director and Cutover Lead Chris Howe, Division of Purchases Director Angela Hoobler, Purchasing Team Lead Gina Vinyard, Training Lead Kitty DeMars, Asset Management Team Lead Mary Vanatta, Help Desk Lead Connie Guerrero, Enterprise Readiness Team Manager

66 Housekeeping Bathrooms Please set cell phones and pagers to silent 10 minute break is planned Note cards for questions

77 Project Status & Current Events

88 Project Timeline Deploy Design Build/Development Test Training Analyze Oct/Nov/DecJan/Feb/MarApr/May/JunJul/Aug/SepOct/Nov/DecJan/Feb/MarApr/May/JunJul/Aug/Sep On-going System Support & Stabilization 2010 We are Here!

99 Sunflower Project Current Events We are only 15 weeks and 74 work days from SMART go-live! Interface Testing has been completed! Agencies and the Project team continue conversion testing Web-Based Training has begun Training registration is underway Instructor-Led Training begins April 5 th ! Detailed cutover planning is continuing Go-Live Readiness Begins Policy and Procedure Manual is being reviewed SMART forms are being developed

10 Service Center Reminder… –Service Center is not an all or nothing approach, agencies can key some transactions online while using Service Center for less frequent transactions –Service Center provides data entry and oversight; the agency is still in control of their own business activities –Is available for agencies who may need to utilize for a transition period until they can train all users –There is no charge for the Service Center for the first year It’s not too late! –Have questions? Want to know more about the Service Center? –Contact Pam Fink, Service Center Manager at or via

11 Policy Updates

12 Policy and Procedure Manual The Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) is being updated to coincide with SMART implementation 27 of the 47 policies are in draft form and are now being reviewed by the SMART Team Procedures are being removed from policies since User Productivity Kits (UPK) will provide guidance Policies will begin to be released in April, 2010

13 Travel and Expense Proposed Rules and Regulation Changes During the public comment period ending March 8, 2010, the regulations were reviewed by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and Regulations. We received a comment from the committee regarding existing language in one section The public hearing was held on March 8 th, with no subsequent comments We will proceed with the proposed changes to the regulation

14 SMART Cutover Strategy

15 Processing Timelines FY10FY11 FY10 ends June 30, 2010FY11 begins July 1, 2010 June 29 – Last day to send payment voucher data sets to STARS July 1 – First day to enter transactions in SMART June 29 – Last day to interface data sets for DA-107’s and DA- 118’s into STARS for FY10 close July 19 – STARS balances and prior year encumbrances will be converted and be available in SMART July 6 – Last day to approve and release transactions in SOKI July 19 – First day to enter vouchers against prior year encumbrances in SMART

16 Cutover Calendar Utilize the Cutover Calendar to understand day by day and system by system the cutover activities and impacts

17 Cutover – Agency Activities Agencies should conduct at least one and preferably more of their own dry runs in late March or April. Agency goals should be to validate their activity sequencing, their procedures, roles and responsibilities, etc. It will also be important for agencies to review their outstanding interfunds, journal vouchers, and encumbrances that are in STARS and SOKI. Agencies should make any corrections necessary, or remove old transactions. It will also be important for agencies to review business processes, what are the agency’s normal year-end activities? How will those activities be affected by the cutover calendar? What transactions or validations need to be performed earlier than normal in June?

18 Conversion of FY10 Encumbrances All STARS Encumbrances with vendor numbers will convert to SMART Purchase Order Encumbrances –It is highly recommended that agencies create DA- 107 encumbrances for 2010 year-end –It is highly recommended that existing DA-118’s be converted to DA-107’s with a vendor number All STARS Encumbrances without vendor numbers will convert to SMART General Ledger Encumbrances All outstanding encumbrances data sets must be in STARS by June 29, 2010

19 Conversion of FY10 Encumbrances (continued) STARS Encumbrances converted without vendor numbers as a GL encumbrance in SMART will require additional manual effort in SMART before payment can be made –Agency will need to reduce the GL encumbrance by creating a journal entry –Agency will be required to create a prior fiscal year requisition in SMART –Once requisition is sourced to PO agency will need to place PO on hold –Agency will need to contact A&R to change PO budget date –Agency will remove PO hold, PO will be budget checked –Agency can then enter PO related Voucher to process payment Agencies are strongly encouraged to use the DA-107 encumbrance for FY10 year end, these will convert to SMART PO encumbrances –DA-107 converted encumbrances will not require the process noted above

20 Info Circulars – Encumbrances Info Circular 10-a-09 Transitioning Encumbrances to SMART – Info Circular 10-a-11 Year End Encumbrances – For any questions related to the Info Circulars, please contact Randy Kennedy at or via

21 Preparing For SMART Go-Live The Sunflower Project is kicking off the Go-Live Readiness Process today In this process, we ask you to step back and look at all your preparations for the transition to SMART –Have you prepared for: How processes will change at your agency? How your staff will be affected? The Go-Live Readiness Process will help you identify and close any gaps in your agency’s overall readiness

22 We Need Your Input Use this as an opportunity to get the most out of SMART –Understand the changes being implemented with SMART –Review impacts to your business processes –Ensure your staff are ready for the changes –Work with the project to resolve any open issues Partner with the project to build understanding and resolve issues

23 Finance Team Updates

24 Purchasing – Delegation of Authority Most agencies* will be delegated $5,000 purchasing authority effective July 1, 2010 * There are a few known exceptions Change due to SMART implementation Agencies should continue to exercise good business practices to obtain the best price possible for transactions under $5,000 Encourage a “we don’t pay retail” attitude Purchasing “Food Chain” Document SMART will provide insight into spend…remember mandatory use programs and contracts

25 Purchasing – Prior Authorization Policy Prior Authorizations are part of requisition process in SMART Since Purchase Orders are created from approved requisitions in SMART, Prior Authorization codes are expanded to cover more instances Currently wrapping up a Legislative Post Audit of Sole Source and Emergency Prior Authorizations

26 Purchasing – Prior Authorization Processing Requisition will contain a code identifying the type If above delegated authority, requisition will workflow to Division of Purchases Once Division of Purchases approves, requisition will be sourced to a Purchase Order Agency buyer may approve the Purchase Order or, if a contract is needed, place the Purchase Order on hold until the contract is approved and finalized For a contract, when finalized, agency buyer takes the Purchase Order off hold, makes appropriate changes, then approves

27 Purchasing – Supplier Contracts Policy It is still important to have your agency attorney review the contract for completeness Watch for a Best Practices document in writing contracts Contracts that exceed LDA will be routed through the Division of Purchases by SMART earlier than the current processes

28 Purchasing – Supplier Contracts Processing For contracts requiring Division of Purchases approval: o Enter contract information in Supplier Contracts module o Save contract in Open status o Using SMART, notify appropriate DoP buyer of contract needing approval o DoP buyer will review/approve contract in SMART and notify agency Contracts not requiring DoP approval will be saved in Approved status

29 Construction Contracts – Not Universities Construction contracts will have similar processing as is today Agency will enter requisition in SMART once contract has been signed Requisition will workflow to DoP for processing Purchase Order will be dispatched by DoP Change orders will process through DFM as they are today SMART Change Orders will be issued by DoP

30 Construction Contracts – Universities University construction contract will be managed by DFM similar as they are today Universities will enter purchase orders in their respective financial systems once notified by DFM of award Change orders will process through DFM as they are today Universities will manage change orders within their financial systems

31 Construction Contract Payments Final payments will require same certifications as is today, but will only be sent to DFM Vouchers entered and work flowed in SMART Vouchers should have payment hold marked (reason code-other) including interfaced vouchers A&R will route to DFM for approvals before processing Once DFM approves, A&R will continue voucher processing Processing of partial payments is being reviewed by DFM and A&R with more to come

32 Division of Purchases – Issued Contracts Division of Purchases will continue to issue contracts on behalf of agencies when DoP has bid goods/services SMART will allow for collaboration of contract document between DoP and agency buyer Agency buyer must have Word 2003 OR Word 2007 in order to collaborate (NOTE – this is a correction from a previous newsletter article)

33 P-Card Processing A&R Informational Circular 10-a All P-Card transactions will be reconciled and approved in SMART Vouchers will be built weekly in SMART to include all transactions approved at that point Agencies may approve weekly vouchers or approve multiple vouchers monthly Agencies will be able to maintain their employees’ P-Cards in SMART

34 Training Update

35 Training Deployment General Timeline MonthActivity March, 2010All but 4 agencies have been loaded to the SMART Student Center March, 2010Phase 1 Training – Pre-requisite WBT Released in SMART Student Center Available soon on the SMART website April 5, 2010Remaining WBT released ILT begins OngoingSMART Training will be provided as long as we have SMART!!

36 Training Update T raining Enrollment Process Who Has Access to the SMART Student Center? End Users with roles that require instructor-led training are added to the SMART Student Center* End Users that need only web-based training will NOT be added to the SMART Student Center –SMART End Users that do not have access to the SMART Student Center complete web-based training on the SMART Website (Example: View-Only roles) –Time and Labor End Users that do not have access to the SMART Student Center complete web-based training on the SHARP website *All employees in agencies currently using Pathlore LMS (SRS, KHPA, Revenue, State Hospitals) will already have access to the SMART Student Center using their current LMS sign-on. However, registration in ILT courses will be limited to those who are mapped to the appropriate role.

37 Training Update Web-Based Training - March For those employees who can access the SMART Student Center, the following web-based training courses are now available: –DAGN101: Introduction to SMART –DAAP110: Introduction to Accounts Payable –DAPO120: Introduction to Purchasing –DAGL130: Introduction to General Ledger –DAAM140: Introduction to Asset Management –DAAR150: Introduction to Accounts Receivable and Billing –DAPC160: Introduction to Projects and Grants –DAGN201: Introduction to Navigating in SMART –DARP202: Introduction to Reporting in SMART

38 Training Update Web-Based Training - April The following web-based training courses are available in April: –DAGN203: Performing Approvals –DARP204: Introduction to Business Intelligence Reporting –DAAP312: Advanced Voucher Processing –DAAP313: Accounts Payable Maintenance –DAAP314: Travel and Expense Processing –DAAP316: Accounts Payable Workflow Maintenance –DAPO323: Managing Receiving –DAPO326: Using Procurement Cards –DAAM344: Processing Depreciation

39 Training Update Instructor-led Training Many courses either declined from estimates or stayed even –May reduce the number of sessions where the numbers are significantly smaller (Example: Billing courses)

40 Training Update Instructor-led Training (continued) AP311: Voucher Processing grew by 50% –Added sessions to replace the dates for AP312/AP313 which are now web-based AR352:Creating and Maintaining Deposits grew by 25% –Adding sessions PO320: Processing Purchase Requisitions grew by 85% –Some agencies with trainers added sessions for their own; Others stepped up to train agencies other than their own –Please prioritize training enrollment for primary end users performing the task at go-live –Cancel registration for non-primary end users and enroll them in July 1 ‘Wait List’ sessions –Update Role Mapping to reflect only users attending training prior to go-live

41 Training Update Instructor-led Training (continued) Enrollment reports are available for each person loaded to the SMART Student Center today –Summary of courses needed –Includes WBT and completion status –Includes enrollment status in ILT as well as start and end dates Confirmations will be ed two weeks prior to the class –Includes address and parking information

42 Training Update Training Conflicts As we approach go-live Training and other project events will increase in frequency It is important agencies look ahead and understand where they may have conflicting training, events or tasks –Plan ahead to resolve potential conflicts prior to training or due dates –In some cases agencies may need to send only one representative to an event in order to attend multiple events in one day –Prioritize events and training based on criticality and need to successfully process transaction at go-live Training seats are limited and it is imperative to prevent ‘no shows’ and always have every seat in each course filled

43 Training Update Training Blasts Critical Training Updates are going directly to end users signed up for the Sunflower InfoList Subscribe to the Sunflower Project (FMS) InfoList at

44 Training Questions Training Team is monitoring this inbox and will respond within 2 business days

45 10 Minute Break Please return promptly so the meeting may end on time If you wrote questions on note cards: –Pass them to a presenter –Include your name and agency –We will respond to all questions

46 C Break Please return in 10 minutes

47 Finance Team Updates

48 Asset Management Topics Purpose of Asset Management Conversion Files Module Features Retirements Training

49 Asset Management – Purpose The purpose of the Asset Management module is to provide a central repository which: –Improves safeguarding of all assets –Enhances financial reporting for capital assets

50 Asset Management – Purpose (continued) –Provides for integration of data

51 Asset Management – Purpose (continued) - Allows for asset lifecycle management

52 Asset Management – Conversion Files: All Assets For all assets, please verify that your file or listing: –Is not a transactional data download –Does not include incremental payment lines –Includes only assets that require safeguarding and are currently in service –Includes correctly labeled Subtypes –Takes unit cost into consideration –Excludes consumable items –Provides a cost value for each asset –Provides adequate and meaningful descriptions

53 Asset Management – Conversion Files: All Assets (continued) Examples of Issues for All Asset Subtypes Note: Each unique Interface ID on the conversion file will create an asset in SMART

54 Asset Management – Property Assets Land assets and building assets must use the Asset Type of “Property” Each building must be linked to a land asset by creating the association on the Asset Property tab

55 Asset Management – Property Assets (continued) Land assets and building assets must be defined as Parent Assets when subsequent improvements have been made to the asset All improvements—land and building—must use the Asset Type of “Facility” Each land improvement will be a child asset of the parent land record Each building improvement will be a child asset of the parent building

56 Asset Management – Conversion Files: Property Assets For property assets, please verify that your file or listing: –Does not include normal maintenance repairs –Reflects appropriate Subtypes –Includes the cumulative cost for each asset, rather than each separate payment

57 Asset Management – Conversion Files: Property Assets (continued) Examples of Issues for Property-Related Subtypes

58 Asset Management – Module Features General Information Page

59 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Asset Acquisition Detail Page

60 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Location/Comments/Attributes Page

61 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Manufacture/License/Custodian Page

62 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Asset Insurance Page

63 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Asset Warranties Page

64 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Track Service and Repairs Page

65 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Apply Maintenance Contract Page

66 Asset Management – Module Features (continued) Enter Meter Reading Page

67 Asset Management – Online Inquiries Search for an Asset Page

68 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Acquisition Details > Interfaces Info Page

69 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Review Financial Entries Page

70 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Review Cost History Page

71 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Review Depreciation Information Page

72 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Meter Readings History Page

73 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Review Maintenance History Page

74 Asset Management – Online Inquiries (continued) Review Parent-Child Page

75 Asset Management – Retirements State Surplus disposal policy still applies

76 Asset Management – Retirements (continued) Assets can be retired: –Individually –As a group on the Disposal Worksheet

77 Asset Management – Retirements (continued)

78 Asset Management – Training AM 140 Introduction to Asset Management –Define Key Terminology –Explain the purpose and benefits of Asset Management AM 340 Entering and Maintaining Assets –Understand Assets and Leases –Integration with other modules AM 341 Adjusting, Recategorizing, Transferring and Retiring Assets –Learn the business process for managing agency to agency transfers

79 Asset Management – Training (continued) AM 344 Processing Depreciation –Learn how to run depreciation UPK: Service and Maintenance –Enter and apply warranties –Create and apply maintenance contracts –Enter and update meter readings –Enter insurance policies

80 Asset Management – Summary The purpose of Asset Management –provide a central repository which improves the safeguarding of all assets and enhances financial reporting for capital assets Scrutinize data conversion files to ensure assets being created are those that –your agency intends to safeguard and track –or are reported as capital assets according to internal or State standards Note: Agencies will validate/sign-off on converted asset data

81 Asset Management – Summary (continued) The Asset Management module provides features to track both financial and physical data State Surplus disposal policy still apply –Assets surrendered to the Surplus Program will be retired from SMART using “Retired to State Surplus” disposal code Refer to SMART website for module Training details

82 SMART Support

83 SMART Help Desk Updates Help Desk Process and Procedure manual developed to insure prompt, professional support Configuration of the Help Desk software is complete and the Knowledge base is being populated with support articles SMART Help Desk Analysts are being trained on providing excellent Customer Service and the Processes and Procedures of the SMART Help Desk Help Desk processes and procedures will be piloted in April, May and June during End User Testing, Operational Readiness Testing and during cut over

84 Incident Resolution Process The incident resolution process is the cornerstone of the help desk support structure to insure that each incident is accurately classified, documented and resolved in a reasonable amount of time and to restore productivity as quickly as possible. Incidents are questions or issues that interrupt the ability of the SMART end-user to be productive

85 Incident Resolution Process (continued)

86 Incident Resolution Process (continued) SMART end-users will go to their designated Help Desk Contacts and Liaisons within the agency when they initially encounter an incident with SMART Incidents that are not resolved at the agency level will be logged with the SMART Help Desk SMART Help Desk analysts will be assigned to resolve incidents that have been logged Solutions to incidents will be documented within the Help Desk Software and the agency will receive an with the resolution to the incident

87 SMART Help Desk Timeline January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 Agencies Designate Help Desk Contacts and Liaisons Help Desk Training Design/Build Help Desk Software Design/ Configuration/Testing Help Desk Processes and Procedures Developed Help Desk Training We are Here Knowledge Base Design/Build/Deploy Pilot Help Desk (End User Testing, Operational Readiness Testing and Cutover Dry Runs) Help Desk Kickoff Go Live Operate Help Desk

88 Help Desk Kickoff Meeting Help Desk Kickoff Meeting is April 1st –Topeka and Shawnee County Library, Marvin Auditorium 101ABC –9 AM to 11 AM –Remote access will be available for participants outside of Topeka Invitations have been sent out to Help Desk Contacts and Liaisons designated by your agency Learn more about your agencies role in the Incident Resolution Process and how to log an incident with the SMART Help Desk

89 SMART/SH A RP Integration

90 Combo Code and Department Budget Table Uploads (Task ID 284) The information provided in this task will be used to create an updated list of Combination Codes and an updated Department Budget Table that SMART and SHARP will use This is your last opportunity to make Combination Code and Department Budget Table changes prior to Go-Live on July 1, 2010 If your agency does not complete this task by April 2, 2010, proper configuration may not be available for your agency to conduct business on July 1, 2010 If no changes are needed, you must still respond

91 Combo Code and Department Budget Table Uploads (Task ID 284) (continued) THINGS TO WATCH FOR ON YOUR COMBO CODE FILE: Time and Labor Agencies Time and Labor agencies will have a word document included with this task that contains a list of the errors that occurred with their combo code files Do not use Budgetary Only departments of program codes on the combo code Time and Labor agencies that are using projects must use a unique combo code for each new project that is used. The same combo code cannot be used across multiple projects Project ID and Activity ID cannot contain special characters (such as ‘,’, ‘%’, ‘#’) or spaces Project ID and Task Profiles should be all uppercase Time and Leave Agencies Do not use Budgetary Only departments of program codes on the combo code Time and Leave agencies will see the file errors within their actual combination code file as an inserted comment

92 Agency Task List Update

93 Agency Task List Updates Posted to Sunflower Project website Agency Task List Updates New Task List posted on the website 3/16/2010

94 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 Customers Conversion Dress Rehearsal – Task ID 312 Conversion Files Due 4/9/10 Projects Conversion Dress Rehearsal – Task ID 316 Purchasing Contracts Conversion Dress Rehearsal – Task ID 315 Assets Conversion Dress Rehearsal – Task ID 313 Pending Items Conversion Dress Rehearsal – Task ID 314 Conversion File Due 4/14/10 Conversion File Due 4/29/10 Conversion File Due 4/14/10

95 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 Monthly Data Conversion Meeting 3/24/10 – Task ID 248 Monthly Data Conversion Meeting 4/21/10 – Task ID 249 Monthly Data Conversion Meeting 5/19/10 – Task ID 250 Review Converted Asset Data in Accordance with the Property Asset Guidelines – Task ID 310 Validate that Converted Asset Data Loaded into SMART Correctly – Task ID 311

96 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 (continued) Agency Trainers and Drivers Attend Pilot Training – Task ID 87 Agency Trainers Attend Teach-Back Sessions – Task ID 94 SMART Help Desk Kickoff Meeting 4/1/10 – Task ID 271 Agency Staff Complete 100 and 200-Level WBT Training – Task ID 257 Monitor Agency Staff Completion of WBT Training – Task ID 259 Communicate Process for Escalating Incidents via Agency SMART Help Desk Liaison – Task ID 299 SHaRP Change Management Meeting 5/3/10 – Task ID 309

97 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 (continued) Agency Staff Attend SMART Training – Task ID 101 Monitor Agency Staff Training Attendance – Task ID 102 Enroll Agency Staff in Level 3 WBT and ILT Training – Task ID 88 Agency Staff Complete 300 Level WBT Training – Task ID 258 Ensure Agency Staff are Enrolled and Confirmed for Training Sessions – Task ID 89

98 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 (continued) Agency Communicate Updated Business Processes and Notify Users of SMART Responsibilities – Task ID 296 Participate in Go-Live Readiness – Task ID 300 Submit Operating Budget Journals and Project Budget Journals – Task ID 287 Maintain Agency Role Mapping and Submit Updates to Sunflower Project – Task ID 290 Agency Security Liaison Understand Security Request Initiation Procedures – Task ID 294 Submit Confirmation of Stage 6 Testing Completion – Task ID 286

99 March 2010April 2010May 2010 Agency Tasks March 2010 – May 2010 (continued) Readiness Assessments will be conducted in April, 2010; May, 2010 and June, 2010 Change Agent Network Meeting #10 – Task ID 96 Change Agent Network Meeting #11 – Task ID 103 Complete Readiness Assessment #5 – Task ID 99 Complete Readiness Assessment #6 – Task ID 106 Encourage SMART Users to Subscribe to Sunflower Project InfoList – Task ID 317 Change Agent Network Meeting #12 – Task ID 109

100 Agency Task Updates Task ID 274 – Updates to Agency Use Due 3/19/2010 Task ID 275 – Updates to Service LocationDue 3/19/2010 Task ID 277 – Updates to Purchasing Business Unit Default Due 3/31/2010 Task ID 280 – Updates to Projects SetupDue 3/31/2010 Task ID 281 – Updates to SpeedChartsDue 4/16/2010 Task ID 278 – Updates to Entry Type/Reason Code Due 4/16/2010 Task ID 279 – Updates to Grants SetupDue 4/19/2010 Time and Labor Agencies Only: Task ID 282 – Updates to Time & Labor Task Group/Task Profile Due 04/01/2010 Task ID 284 – Updates to ComboCode Upload, Department Budget Tables and Time & Labor Task Profiles Due 04/02/2010 Task ID 283 – Updates to Conversion of Time Reporter Data Due 04/14/2010

101 Future Change Agent Network Meetings Change Agent Network Meetings 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CAN11: April 14, 2010 Finance Topic: Accounts Payable/Travel & Expense CAN12: May 13, 2010 Finance Topic: Accounts Receivable/Project Costing Change Agent Network Meetings 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM CAN13: June 7, 2010 Finance Topic: General Ledger CAN14: June 21, 2010 Held at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Marvin Auditorium 101ABC

102 Getting Ready for Go-Live This month, the Agency Readiness Team is kicking off the Go-Live Readiness Process The goals of the Go-Live Readiness Process are for agencies to: –Understand planned changes and prepare for them –Identify and resolve critical issues that may prevent transactions in SMART –Plan ahead to prevent operational issues that may decrease efficiency The Go-Live Readiness Process will help you consider all the areas in which your agency might be impacted, including but not limited to: –Technology –Business processes –Reporting capability –Communication & training

103 Who is Responsible for Go-Live Readiness? Readiness for SMART implementation is a shared responsibility Agencies are responsible for: –Determining the key impacts to the agency’s business due to the implementation of SMART –Completing tasks identified by the agency and the Sunflower Project –Regularly communicating readiness status to the Sunflower Project –Identifying and resolving issues affecting the agency’s readiness for SMART implementation The Sunflower Project is responsible for: –Communicating the go-live readiness approach –Providing tools to help agencies manage readiness preparedness –Supporting agencies in their efforts to identify and resolve readiness issues –Coordinating the Statewide readiness effort

104 Go-Live Readiness Checklist The Go-Live Readiness Checklist is a key tool in the Go- Live Readiness Process. It will: –Assist you in preparing for SMART go-live on July 1, 2010 –Help focus your readiness efforts in the most critical areas –Provide the project with agency preparedness status The project will use your checklist updates to measure readiness leading up to go-live –This will help identify issues and risks and implement mitigation steps prior to go-live The checklist supplements existing tracking tools and should be used in conjunction with your agency’s Task List and Readiness Assessment

105 Bi-Weekly Status Updates We want to hear from you! Every two weeks or more often: – or call your Agency Readiness –Provide any updates to your Go-Live Readiness Checklist –Provide any updates to previously identified issues and concerns –Include any new issues or concerns

106 Confirm Agency Readiness Contact your liaison when you complete the Go- Live Readiness Process You have completed the Go-Live Readiness Process when: –The Go-Live Readiness Checklist is completed AND –All other issues identified during the Go-Live Readiness Process are resolved (or mitigation plan is in place)

107 Go-Live Readiness Next Steps Designate a representative to monitor and maintain the checklist until all items are completed Monitor tasks on a weekly basis from now until go-live Send your first update two weeks from today (or sooner) Contact us with any questions, concerns, or issues

108 Readiness Assessment #4 Thank you for responding! 74 agencies responded to questions about readiness for SMART go-live Of the readiness questions asked agencies responded in agreement across the board –14 of the 15 questions had an agreement percent greater than 80% –Only one question was in the 70% - ‘My agency understands the policy changes being implemented with SMART as communicated by the Sunflower Project and Department of Administration’

109 Readiness Assessment #4 (continued) Going forward the Readiness Assessment will continue to be an important tool for agencies and the project Readiness Assessments work in conjunction with the Agency Task List and the Agency Go-Live Checklist to provide a comprehensive status of agency readiness Keeping your agency tasks status up to date will enable you to easily update future Readiness Assessments and your agency’s Go-live Checklist

110 Role Mapping Maintenance Continue to update your role mapping with any changes including but not limited to: –Changes due to turnover, promotion, retirement or other reasons –Changes to roles, workflow or default ChartFields –Remove roles from those who will take training post go- live –Role changes for agencies utilizing the Service Center for some transactions Communicate changes to the Sunflower Project immediately, since they may result in different or additional training requirements

111 Role Mapping Maintenance (continued) Follow instructions given in Section 2.3 of the Role Mapping Handbook, including: –Submit the entire workbook –Use the Tumbleweed secure process Updates can be submitted until May 14, 2010 –Any updates identified or submitted after this date must be processed after go-live via the post go-live security request process Updating your User Role Workbook by the due date of May 14, 2010, does not guarantee the affected users will have their new security assignments activated at go-live –Each user must also complete the required training for their assigned user roles

112 Wrap Up

113 Project Resources Sunflower Project website: Sunflower Project Address: Sunflower Project List-serv –Sunflower Infolist –Subscribe at Sunflower Project Site: Sunflower Project, 915 SW Harrison, Room 1181, Topeka, Kansas 66612

114 Project Resources (continued) Office Hours – –Subject Matter Experts available to all agencies –To schedule ‘Office Hours’ send request to the Sunflower Project Address: Visit the SMART website to obtain file layouts – – –Click on Technical Resources tab –Don’t have access to the secure site? Frequently asked questions - SMART website – –1263 Questions and Answers –

115 Questions?

116 Please Share Your Feedback Online evaluation form for Change Agent Network Meeting #10: Registered participants will also receive a reminder containing this URL