1. Users can Get Bids on Repair Items, if the repair is coming up in the next 6 months 1. Maintenance Tables (with ZIP) 2. Repair Lists (with ZIP) 3. My Profile My Repairs Tracks which repairs have been completed, which are coming up (if users save their searches and make them their vehicle profiles) My Bids Recalls US Department of Transportation or Industry recalls are displayed here 1. Upcoming repairs have the option for Get Bids, if in the next 6 months and users provide ZIP code 2. Repair Shops can advertise their prices for upcoming repairs Vehicle Owners Repair Shops and Dealerships Maintenance Database Repair shops and dealerships will upload maintenance tables for the vehicles that they work on. From this uploaded information, 2. Repair Shops can advertise their prices for individual repair items next to each repair item costs 4. My Shop Profile Make Bids Repair Shops and Dealerships enter the criteria for which repairs they want to work on, and that populates a table of jobs open for bidding. They can make the bids for jobs in the next 6 months Repair Shops and Dealerships enter information about maintenance tables for the vehicles they work on. 2. Vehicle Owners can also upload information about maintenance tables for various vehicles. Admin will approve or deny edits 3. Vehicles Owners can search for maintenance tables by make, model, year, ZIP, miles driven/month, and starting and ending mileage, and get the information from the maintenance database. 4. Vehicle Owners can also search individual repairs and sort these by name or price, and these are also drawn from the Maintenance Database. 5. (Maintenance Table ONLY) If Vehicle Owners provide the ZIP, then they can get bids for Jobs that are due within the next 6 months. (See 9) 6. (Maintenance Table and Repair List) next to the cost of each job, shops can advertise their special prices for the set jobs. (See 10) 7. Vehicle Owners can save maintenance tables to their My Profile pages, and can track which maintenance has been completed (continued.) After entering their vehicle information and saving it to their My Profile page, Vehicle Owners can also track which Recalls have been issued. This will be a separate table beneath their vehicle maintenance information. 8. The tables will automatically display the [Get Bids] button if a repair is due within the next 6 months. 9. When users click [Get Bids], the job will be posted to a table which all repair shops and dealerships in the area can see. They can make bids on the jobs they want to bid on. Once a shop makes a bid, the bids will be listed under the Vehicle Owner’s “My Bids,” and from there the Vehicle Owners can select which shop they want to go with. 10. Repair Shops and dealerships can advertise special prices or discounts next to the price ranges for individual repair items on the maintenance tables or under the Repair List search function Manage ads Ads can be set prices for certain jobs (i.e. $25 oil change) or can be discounts (i.e. 10% off a tire rotation) When the shops place ads, they agree to provide customers with that set price (plus tax) or discounts. The legal agreement will be developed separately from the site, but there needs to be a function where users can click on the ads and accept the deal. Department of Transportation