White Grub 360 species 3Phyllophaga criteria most common 3Grubs chew on roots grubs per square foot 3Takes weeks for eggs to hatch 3Egg laying period of 30 days
White Grub (cont.) 33rd instar does most of the damage 3Overwinters in 3rd instar stage 3Control aimed at newly hatched grubs
White grubs in bluegrass
Sod webworms in St. Augustine
Sod webworm tunnels
Sod webworm
Sod Webworms 3Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass & St. Augustinegrass
HelminthosporiumHelminthosporium 3Bermudagrass º F
Helminthosporium in bermudagrass
Dollar Spot 3Bermudagrass º F 3Wet foliage
Dollar spot in bermuda
Targeting Applications
ASONDJFMAMJJASO Months Winter Broadleaf Weeds Summer Broadleaf Weeds Poa Annua Crabgrass Weed Population Weed Control Programs
Biological Controls
Fall army worm
Fall Armyworms 3Favored by cool, wet weather 3Feed chiefly at night 3Defoliate plants 3Early damage, loss of chlorophyll
Resistant Varieties
Screening St. Augustine for chinch bug resistance
Purpose of IPM 3Reduce the need for pesticides