John H. Ferguson MD, Medical Consultant, ORDR/NCATS/NIH
No relationships to disclose or list
Rare Diseases Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR) National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences – NCATS Therapeutics for Rare and Neglegted Diseases –TRND Ataxia research with ORDR, NCATS and TRND
million people in the US are affected - Exact Prevalences Unknown Estimated 6%-8% of Population Prevalence definition: < 200,000 people in the USA > 7000 Genetic and Acquired Rare Diseases Need Collaborative Efforts of the Rare Diseases Community Academic Researchers Federal Research and Regulatory Programs > 1100 Patient Advocacy Groups/Philanthropic Foundations Industry Congressional Rare Diseases Caucus Established
19 Consortia supported by ORDR, NINDS, NIAMS, NICHD, NHLBI, NIDDK, NIAID, NIDCR and NCI Required 3 diseases longitudinal studies of patients, Encouraged : Phase I, II and III trials; Training of Investigators in clinical research of rare diseases; Pilot studies/demonstration projects Collaboration with Patient Advocacy Groups Data Management Coordinating Center DMCC > 192 Institutions World-wide, 42 International Sites, > 200 Diseases 9393 patients enrolled in 68 studies
Collaborative Clinical Research Public Resources and Education Centralized Data Coordination and Technology Development Training The Data Management and Coordinating Center Coalition of Patient Advocacy Groups (CPAG) Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease Consortium
To catalyze the development of innovative methods and technologies that will enhance the development, testing, and implementation of diagnostics and therapeutics across a wide range of human diseases and conditions
Clinic Access Phase iv Phase I Phase III Phase II Stage 1 Drug Discovery Stage 2 Pre-clinical Stage 3 Clinical Trials Stage 4 FDA Review 6.5 years6 years1.5 years IND Submitted NDA Submitted
Components of Molecular Libraries Program Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases Office of Rare Diseases Research Bridging Interventional Development Gaps (BrIDGs) Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) FDA-NIH Regulatory Science Cures Acceleration Network
NCATS STRUCTURE Division of Pre-Clinical Innovation Chris Austin Division of Clinical Innovation Josie Briggs (Acting) Office of the Director Tom Insel (Acting Director) Kathy Hudson (Acting Deputy Director) Executive Office Erin Shannon (Acting) Office of Grants Management & Review Jane Steinberg (Acting) Office of Pol icy, Communications, & Strategic Alliances Kathy Hudson (Acting) Council CAN Board Office of Rare Diseases Research Steve Groft
Clinical and Translational Science Activities CTSAs Clinical Translational Science Awards Rare Diseases Research and Therapeutics Office of Rare Diseases Research ORDR Therapeutics for Rare and Neglected Diseases (TRND) Re-engineering Translational Sciences NIH Chemical Genomics Center/Molecular Libraries program Bridging Interventional Development Gaps BrIDGs Toxicology in the 21 st Century
Academia Government Biopharmaceuticals Patient Advocacy Groups
Successful applicants don’t receive grants Form joint project teams with TRND Receive in kind support from TRND scientists, laboratory and contract resources Goal is advancing compounds to FDA IND clinical trials in humans
Niemann- Pick C Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy Sickle cell anemia - IND received Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia IND received Shistosomiasis
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Fragile X Cryptococcal Meningitis Core binding factor leukemia
An inhibitor compound for Rx of fibrodysplasia ossificans Applicant is academic MD Compound shows efficacy in mouse model Novel Rx for creatine transporter deficiency Applicant is a pharmaceutical Co. Mouse model show incr. brain metabolism and cognative function Compount for Rx of neonatal herpes simplex Applicant is academic pediatrician Compound can penetrate CNS, NIAID studied
Deuterimum modified compound for shistosomiasis Applicant is pharmaceutical co. Enables lower and less frequent dosing Drug candidate for Duchenne MD Applicant is pharmaceutical co. Drug is for a specific subgroup mutation Rx for autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis Applicant is academic MD Developed as an inhaled Rx
If no effect in animal models Too much toxicity in preclinical testing Poor bioavailability – can’t be absorbed
Cures Acceleration Network (CAN) Address challenges that impede translational research Rescuing and Repurposing Drugs e.g. lithium Designing a Tissue Chip for Drug Screening With FDA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) “organ on a chip” Identifying and Validating Drug Targets
Many potential drug targets for new compounds heard at AIM 2012 High throughput screening at NCATS of thousands of molecules already being used by ataxia researchers Rescuing and repurposing drugs is NCATS program and many examples given at AIM 2012 Programs at ORDR, NeuroNext, NCATS and TRND should offer HUGE opportunities for ataxia research
NIH OFFICE OF RARE DISEASES RESEARCH - STAFF Steve Groft PharmD Ms. Mary Demory Dr. David Eckstein Ms. Marita Eddy (Angel Flight) Dr. John Ferguson Dr. Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava Mr. Christopher Griffin Ms. Henrietta Hyatt-Knorr Dr. Lata Nerurkar Ms. Susan Orr Lowe Ms. Geraldine Pollen Dr. Yaffa Rubinstein Dr. William Gahl (Clinical Director, NHGRI) Dr. P.J. Brooks (NIAAA)