May 17, 2004Michigan State University1 Building Effective Partnerships Managing Non-negotiable Requirements and Deadlines Craig Rosenberger Senior Analyst Michigan State University Copyright Michigan State University, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 2 The Project: SEVIS Student and Exchange Visitor Information System. Internet-based system used to exchange information about international students and visiting scholars with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). F, J, and M visa classifications. Developed in response to security and intelligence concerns related to foreign students and researchers pursuing academic objectives in the United States.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 3 The Project: SEVIS Agencies and organizations involved: –“F” and “M” visa program administered by the INS (now the Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement). –“J” visa program administered by the Department of State. –Electronic Data Systems (EDS) is the primary IT contractor. International student’s interaction begins when first admitted to the University, extends throughout their academic career.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 4 The Project: SEVIS Generates documentation required by international students to obtain their US visa. –F1-Visa: I-20 –J1-Visa: DS-2019 Accepts reports of changes to certain demographic and academic information. –Name, Address, … –Major, Registration, Underenrollment, … Makes data available to other Federal agencies.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 5 The Project: SEVIS Web and FTP batch interfaces. –Web-based Real Time Interface (RTI) allows one transaction at a time. Redundant data entry from campus systems. Documents available immediately. –FTP-based Batch Interface (Batch) allows up to 250 transactions in a batch, unlimited batches per transmission. Allows integration with campus systems. Documents available “next day”.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 6 A Brief History of SEVIS Roots extend back to 1979 “Iranian hostage crisis”. 1983 – 1988 INS School Reporting Program. Paper-based system. World Trade Center bombing (one terrorist on a student visa). Coordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students (CIPRIS) pilot project created.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 7 A Brief History of SEVIS Mid SEVIS created from the CIPRIS pilot. Projected as a region-by region rollout extending through 9/11/01 - World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks (two terrorists on student visas). 10/26/01 - USA PATRIOT Act provides start up SEVIS funding and sets January 30, 2003 as the implementation deadline for all schools.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 8 SEVIS Challenges Participation required to maintain international student admissions. –3,300 Students (70% grad students). –800 Scholars. –1,000 Dependents. High impact on many campus business units and processes. Visibility with local and national media.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 9 SEVIS Challenges System interface specifications set by government agencies and contractor (EDS). Initially, no formal process for user input. Deadlines tied to security concerns and political considerations. No possibility of extensions.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 10 Project Timeline Early 2001 – MSU begins a project to automate OISS office operations. CIPRIS “off in the future somewhere”. Mid SEVIS created from the CIPRIS pilot. Projected as a region-by region rollout extending through 10/26/01 - USA PATRIOT Act sets January 30, 2003 as the SEVIS implementation deadline for all schools.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 11 Project Timeline 12/12/01 – MSU begins coding the OISS/Info system which will include SEVIS support when the specifications are released. 7/22/02 - Draft system specifications released by INS. 9/23/02 – Test environment for “F” visa reporting available. “J” visa test environment forecast for 11/15/02. 12/20/02 – “Final” system specifications released by INS.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 12 Project Timeline 1/30/03 – MSU begins using SEVIS “Real Time Interface” (RTI) for initial compliance. Data “dual entered” in OISS/Info. 2/24/03 - First “Create Student” transactions sent in batch. 3/1/03 – Department of Homeland Security created. Absorbs the INS. April 2003 – MSU adds all then-current students to SEVIS to meet 8/1/03 deadline. –Students self-verified data through a web interface. –2,170 documents produced in 30 days.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 13 Project Timeline April, 2003 to March, 2004 – Remaining Student and Exchange Visitor transaction types sent in Batch. As of 5/14/04, we have sent 19,953 transactions to SEVIS in 736 batches. An additional 2,865 transactions have been processed through the RTI Web interface.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 14 Project Timeline Planning has begun for SEVIS 5.0. –Major SEVIS changes. –Major OISS/Info changes. –Projected for October/November 2004.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 15 Key Project Strategies Building Cross-Campus Partnerships. Preparing Campus For Change. Building Internal IT Partnerships. Focusing On The End Result.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 16 A Key Partnership The Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) and Administrative Information Services (AIS) formed a partnership recognized across campus as an exceptional example of collaboration. A combination of synergy, shared adversity, dedication, and some good fortune. The partnership has been maintained and grown over the three years of this project.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 17 Communication Plan Developed with University Relations. Goals: –Position MSU as a proactive leader in international education. –Establish clear, consistent messages about SEVIS implementation. –Acknowledge the scope of change. –Establish a central information source. –Alleviate confusion and anxiety. –Keep internal audiences well informed. –Make information readily available.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 18 Campus Communication Audiences: –International Students. –International Studies and Programs. –Admissions Office. –Registrars Office. –President and Provost. –University Relations. –University General Counsel. –Internal Audit. –Faculty and Departments. –Governmental Affairs. –Campus and Surrounding Community.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 19 Campus Communication Central Messages: –“MSU is committed to international education and SEVIS compliance.” –“SEVIS will introduce significant changes to systems in many campus units. We’re working to alleviate delay and confusion.” –Student must be aware of their responsibility to keep themselves in status. We’ll work to educate them.” –“MSU has the resources to effectively implement SEVIS.” –“We’re here to make significant changes in how the University does business – and we can’t do it without your help.”
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 20 Campus Communication Communication Vehicles: –Presentations: Non-technical, high-Level view of SEVIS. Detail tailored to the audience's role and the impact of SEVIS on it. Opportunity for questions and concerns. –OISS Website. –FAQ and Fact Sheets. –Designated Spokespersons. SEVIS Policy and Implementation Team. –Local campus and community media. Media Training for key staff
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 21 Building Cross-Team IT Partnerships Project Management Team met with: –Technical Support. –Data Base Administration. –Security Administration/Customer Help Center. SEVIS Overview. –Messages: “We need your help. Welcome to the SEVIS implementation team!” “We have to do this. There’s no choice.” “We have no control over external specifications and deadlines. We agree there’s a better way to design SEVIS, but …” “We don’t know all the questions yet – so we’ll be back. Often. On short notice.” “We really appreciate your patience and support.”
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 22 Focus On The End Result Technology –Online Component In-house security system. SQL Server Databases. Active Server Pages using VBScript. Cascading Style Sheets and a database-driven screen generator for consistent appearance and to support expansion and maintenance. Focused on Internet Explorer to simplify design and support.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 23 Focus On The End Result Technology –Batch Component In-house scheduling system. SQL Stored Procedures. Visual Basic programs. XML for Data Transmission (SEVIS requirement). PDF images for SEVIS documents. Identify minimum requirements for meeting the compliance deadline. –Start using SEVIS Web interface 1/30/03. –Implement batch functions in phases by transaction type.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 24 Focus On The End Result Design Goals –Meet regulatory requirements. –Support OISS’s business functions. –Maintain data integrity and accuracy. –Keep external interface simple and consistent. –Keep internal processes simple and consistent. –Practice good software engineering: good housekeeping, modular code, naming standards, comments – despite tight schedules. –Plan for expansion and maintenance.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 25 Focus On The End Result Design Goals –Avoid data redundancy and re-entry - use existing student “data warehouse” whenever possible. –Generate SEVIS transactions automatically whenever possible – allow review before sending to SEVIS. –Automate batch send/receive. Divide and Conquer: –Online Interface. –Automatic Change Detection –XML Generation and Parsing. –Batch FTP. –Student Data Self-Verification and Check-In.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 26 Development Team Patty Croom (Project Manager). Craig Rosenberger (Technical Lead, Online Interface). Iain McCrum (Online Interface). Naser Alavi (XML Generation and Parsing). Ajay Patel (Automatic Change Detection). Bob Carpenter (Batch FTP). Akshay Kamath (Student Functions).
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 27 Lessons Learned Effective partnerships were a key factor in the success of MSU’s SEVIS project. People appreciate being included in planning when they’re affected by the result. People appreciate having their concerns heard. When people are included and their concerns are heard, they more readily become effective partners. Being proactive is a lot of work, but it’s less work – and a lot more fun - than being reactive.
May 17, 2004 Michigan State University 28 Questions? Craig Rosenberger