Marketing Your Web Site Increase Your Web Traffic As Designer 4 You creates your website a key component in that design is to create a results oriented site. A well built site will bring real results is to increase the number of visitors to your site. However, your goal is not just numbers of visitors but those numbers must come from your target market. You want your visitors to be truly interested in your products or service. The best way to accomplish this is to create a well crafted marketing campaign. Designer 4 You Will Add Value to your site With informative content people will come back time and again. One of your goals is to have such interesting and unique information that people will bookmark your site. Arrow DownPlease use back arrow to return to website
Marketing Your Web Site Designer 4 You Will apply principles of SEO Search Engine Optimization will be embeded right into the code of your site. Search engine optimized web sites are indexed with better results by Google, Yahoo, FireFox and others. Designer 4 You includes semantically written code adhering to today's best web standards, title & meta tag utilization and more. Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns Measurable PPC campaigns are powerful ways to advertise. Strategic campaign management that leverage budgets in regional, national or global advertising, drives highly qualified customers to your site. The Math Tells It All If you have 500 visitors with 10 inquiries per day. This is a 2% conversion rate. Increase your traffic 10% to 550 visitors. As you already have a 2% conversion ratio, you'll get 2 additional leads. This growth is the best there is, exponentially. Arrow Down
Marketing Your Web Site Blogs Blogging is another way to add value to your site. You may want to explore some new community activities within your blog. Well written and constructed blogs cause upward ranking in the search algorithms, bringing you higher up in the search results. Designer 4 You will work with you to have your company best increase the qualified traffic to your site. Increase Your Conversion Ratios. Once you have traffic, setting a clear path to your site is the mark of a great site. Creating pages that are carefully designed and include a persuasive ‘Call to Action' has a positive effect on converting visitors to customers.