The Sudoku Project Santa Maria College Emily Cvetanoski, Isha Patel, Hayley Turnham, Jacinta LiDonni, Tina Wu and Millie Kustra
What we believed science was Quotes from each student about what each thought- “Physics has lots of math” “Scientists are awkward” “Physics is hard” “Science is all concept” “Physicists are generally old men.” “lots of fact” “Must be a child prodigy to make any real contribution.”
How is this project related to a real world problem? How do the sciences work in an interdisciplinary way to achieve this? What role does physics play? Skills and techniques found in all sciences work together Knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics transcend across all fields coherent x-ray imaging to increase knowledge in pharmaceutical and health areas Advances in technology – laser holograms – light diffraction Understanding of physical world around us How the earth and objects around us By understanding this we can manipulate the world to our advantage and enhance our society and lifestyle
Working with scientists is different to the inquiry and investigations we do at school as we are able to visualize real world applications and through this gain a deeper understanding of our studies Benefits of working in school of physics: Interactive learning Different technology compared to school Apply knowledge through research and experiment Work with scientist and ask questions Encouragement towards science Share own experiences – not just concepts Different environment Challenging Stereotypes
The project goal Sudoku project – aimed to discover how iteration method used relates to other aspects of science and our world Assist in problem solving Useful way of solving problems in future Show us how scientist discover diffraction data Show us how it assists in discovery of DNA, holograms, enigma code
Why Should We care about the Research here? Allows us to develop further theories and discoveries in an effective manner Develop further knowledge about our society and our Earth which allows us to enhance it Helps people and improves quality of life Works along with other aspects of science Allows us to be science literate
How is it relevant to Community and Society? Science literate society has better understanding of the world Take measures to protect our environment Understand more about medicine to increase life expectancy and save lives Take measures to lower economic costs with less expensive and more readily technology available Assist lifestyle in 3 rd world countries Versatile and affordable technology
How Has Our View of Science or Scientists Changed? Scientists aren't what the media represent it to be Funnn! Not just theory – practical Physics is achievable Transferable skills Can be time consuming Not revolved around maths Not just male dominated
Are we capable, do we belong? In relation to our capabilities, we have changed our views of our capacities to do the sciences especially physics as we have realised it is not impossible to understand. Our concepts of belonging to this group of careers has changed as we have realised the array of unique opportunities that can stem from this innovative field of study.
What Have We Learnt? Experimental techniques Being able to analyze data accurately Use different instruments such as Spectrometer Team Work Organization Problem Solving Communication Observation Deeper and more thoughtful thinking
What choices have opened up to me In Possible Career Choices? By seeing the connection of what scientists do and how they contribute to real world problems can change lives for us and change societies, we believe that physics is the understanding of all aspects in the physical world and can applied in any circumstance.
How has being part of GTP changed my appreciation for physical science? I find physics easier and think that it is easy to do and experiment after having proper understanding about what we are doing Science is not all just about specific facts but can actually be fun and exciting Science is in everything Science is interactive through GTP It is a subject that anyone is capable of completing Science can be pursued by those who feel that they are not clever as long as there is persistence Society requires science It is more entertaining than generalised school work!
Acknowledgements The Department of Physics, LTU The Growing Tall Poppies Program Team