Covenant Relationships
Covenant relationship A relationship based on a covenant is different in many ways from “popular love” O Covenant love is: O Self-sacrificing O Faithful O Respectful in all situations O Committed O Unconditional O Generous (while expecting nothing in return) O Equal
Covenant Relationships O A covenant is defined as an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behaviour from them in return.anagreement betweenGodandhispeopleinwhich Godmakescertainpromisesand requirescertainbehaviourfromthemin return O A covenant can also be between people, such as friends or married couples.
Covenants O A covenant is a sacred agreement between 2 people or groups of people. O Each person or group promises to do something special for the other. O The relationship is made official with a special action or symbol. Some symbols are a handshake or a ring. O Some people have mistaken a covenant for a contract. O A covenant is different than a contract.
CovenantsContracts Deal with individualsDeal with things Engage peopleEngage services of people Last foreverAre made for a certain time period Are witnessed by GodAre witnessed by people Cannot be broken, but if violated, they result in personal loss and broken hearts Can be broken with material loss to the contracting parties Are a sacred matterAre a secular matter
Examples: Baptism: O you are welcomed into the life of Christ and you begin a faith journey with the Christian community towards God. O You are given a baptismal certificate to commemorate this event. Sometimes you will also receive a baptismal candle. Confirmation: O when you become an adult in the Church, you are re-stating your baptismal promise. O Often people will adopt a new name (usually after a saint). This new name represents your renewed covenant with God. Marriage: O A marriage between a woman and a man is an example of a covenant relationship. Each promises to love and to be faithful to the relationship. O The symbol for this covenant is a wedding ring.
A covenant is an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return.anagreementbetweenGodandhis peopleinwhichGodmakescertainpromisesand requirescertainbehaviorfromtheminreturn A covenant is also a solemn agreement (sometimes involving signatures) between two or more people. O Name three examples of a covenant between people or groups of people O When and why might people make a covenant with God? O Under what circumstance(s) do people make a covenant with God and people at the same time?
In Scriptures, several people and groups of people make covenants with God. Read the following passages and explain, in your own words: O how, when and why the people in the story make covenants with God O the results of the covenant O the mark or symbol of the covenant O Moses – Exodus 19: 3-6, 24: 1-8 O Noah – Genesis 6, 9: 8-18 O Abraham and Sarah – Genesis 17: 1-27 O Mary – Luke 1
Journal #13 O Think of 3 examples of a covenant relationship in your life – family, friends, God? O Write a paragraph about each relationship, explaining how it is a covenant, and any symbols in the covenant. O Include in your paragraph how you could renew these covenants – what could you do to show your love and strengthen these covenants?