Preschool for All in Maryland Report and Recommendations by the Task Force on Universal Preschool Education August 2008
Prekindergarten 27,300 preK students 30% over 2002 35% of all 4-year-olds 33% of Maryland 4-year-olds live in low-income households 24%: Full-day preK 76%: Half-day preK
School Readiness
MSA: 3 rd -grade Reading 34-point gap 20-point gap
MSA: 3 rd -grade Math 32-point gap 22-point gap
Task Force Representation Provider Groups Local School Systems Maryland Association of Boards of Education Higher Education Chamber of Commerce Parents
Task Force Recommendations Expand prekindergarten to provide access to all four-year olds regardless of income. Provide preK access in diverse early childhood settings. Maintain current preK standards. Improve the workforce in early childhood education.
Next Steps Established work group to develop a statewide business plan Submit business plan to State Board Established six pilot sites