NMCI and the U.S. Marine Corps Mrs. Debra Filippi, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps Deputy Director C4 / Deputy CIO NMCI Industry Symposium, Jun 03
1 Explain NMCI status & impact on the Marine Corps Discuss opportunities to leverage/exploit NMCI Purpose
2 Background An enterprise approach to managing IT assets and networks in the Marine Corps had been adopted prior to the inception of NMCI –Marine Corps Enterprise Network –Marine Corps Office of the CIO established NMCI as opportunity to continue to mature Service and Dept IT governance framework
3 Marine Corps Goals Seamless, transparent exchange of information Increase awareness and quality of data assets Ubiquitous network access through the web Migration to common platform for providing enterprise services Streamline IT management
4 USMC IT Environment Source: MITRE Corp “Building a Common Information Technology Infrastructure” brief
5 NCR MCB Quantico Henderson Hall 8/I Barracks Navy Annex Pentagon AAAV FAR EAST Okinawa North Okinawa South MCAS Iwakuni Camp Fuji HAWAII Camp Smith MCBH Kaneohe Bay WEST COAST MCLB Barstow MCAGTFTC 29 Palms MCRD San Diego Camp Pendleton Site MCAS Miramar MCAS Yuma MARFORRES NSA New Orleans MCA R-G Airport SOUTHEAST MCLB Albany EAST COAST Camp Lejeune Site MCAS Cherry Point MID/NORTH ATLANTIC Camp Elmore NOB Norfolk MCRD Parris Island MCAS Beaufort Transition Plan TOTAL MAJOR SITES = 27
6 NMCI Current Status First USMC seats AOR’d 24 March –15 Marine Corps sites AOR’d as of 3 June 16,300 seats –AORs will continue through FY03 and into FY04 Units deployed in support of OIF won’t AOR until they return First cutovers anticipated by the end of Sep ‘03 –Dependant on IOC of USMC Interim NOC at Quantico Issues –Quantico NOC –Legacy Applications
7 Leveraging NMCI Common IT Services Shared Data Environment Legacy Applications Enterprise Portal Framework
8 USMC Common IT Services Objective: Design and implement an agile, responsive set of common IT services within enterprise governance structure and supported by policy. Enable: –Effective management of infrastructure (centralized view of the Enterprise) IT & Data/App/Web Hosting centers –Robust, secure IT services –Rapid deployment of portal and other information presentation mechanisms while maintaining data/information ownership.
9 CONCEPT All components in one set of layered views. Maps operational activities to organizations, service sets, infrastructure components and standards. Depicts the “seams” of system interoperability. To-Be Architecture Common IT Infrastructure Representation spans C2, Garrison, afloat and Joint IT requirements C2 IT Centers IT-21 Centers Garrison IT Centers C2 Information and as needed RM information C2 and RM Information C2 and RM Information C2 and RM Information Data Center Application Hosting Center
10 IT Centers Centrally Manage And Deliver Common Or Core IT Capabilities Application Development Lab Certification & Accreditation Lab C2 Operations Center Application/ System Maintenance Center IT Operational Command & Control IT Maintenance IT Development Training Center Help Desk Data Center Application Hosting Center Web Hosting Center Data Center C2 Operations Center Afloat/Ashore C2 Center Data Center Web Hosting Center Application Hosting Center Enterprise Data Center Other Center Building BlocksExamples Enterprise IT Center IT Management COOP Center
11 Data Center Application Hosting Center Web Hosting Center Application Development Lab Certification & Accreditation Lab To-Be Architecture Common IT Infrastructure (Example MARCORSYSCOM) (Example Camp Pendleton) (Example MARFORPAC) C2 Operations Center C2 Operations Center Data Center Application Hosting Center Data Center Application Hosting Center Web Hosting Center NMCI/IT21 NMCI Tactical/Theatre Network Joint Tactical/Theatre Net Tactical/theatre Net Enterprise IT Center NMCI (Example Navy Annex) MAJOR COMPONENTS Definition of IT Service groupings encapsulates operational capabilities. Common Infrastructure components required for operational capabilities can be delineated. Gives a layered view of the operational, system, and technical architecture components, and a clearer understanding of infrastructure requirements
12 Enterprise Shared Data Environment (ESDE) Data is a fundamental building block of interoperability, information management, knowledge management, and the design of efficient, non duplicative systems DATA MANAGEMENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT
13 Data Stores/Warehouses which allows Marine Corps Enterprise Data to be accessible from a single computer and viewed, analyzed, and understood in an integrated fashion WarfightingSupporting Control Command & Information Resources Management INTEL Maneuver Fires Logistics Force Protection Management & Admin Human Resources Financial Management Training & Education R&D and Science The ESDE Defined
14 Why SDE? Seamless, transparent exchange of information Increase awareness and quality of data assets Promote sharing of authoritative data source Establish foundation for Information/Knowledge management/decision support tools Integrated data provides new insights Reduce data costs through consolidation Reduce the "Time to Market" for application development and fielding Enhance Flexible Information Fusion
15 Command & Control Info Resources Mgt INTEL Maneuver FIRES LOG Force Protect Mgt & Admin HR Finance Train & Edu Peace War Small Unit CMC (enterprise) Decision- Maker R&D Science A Commander’s Perspective
16 Conceptual Environment Net Centric Conceptual Model Leading to IT/DB Consolidation and Information Exposure (Integrated) Consistent with GIG Enterprise Services (GES), Horizontal Fusion Enterprise Services (HFES) Local as Needed Segmentation into Communities Of Interest (COI)
17 Consolidation/Rationalization Enterprise Regional Campus Local Prior Emphasis On Local Future Emphasis On Enterprise
18 Legacy Applications Software application inventory –CIO/Systems Command Lead –8000 reduced to 500 –Certification process –Software Baseline Functional Area Managers (FAMS) –Sponsorship/accountability Enterprise Application Portfolio Management –Rationalize applications –Institutionalize process
19 USMC Enterprise Portal Single access point to enterprise information Aggregation of IT services Portal Objectives: –Standardization –Interoperability –Consistency –Usability –Information quality –Lower total cost of ownership –Extensibility
20 Current Portal Tasks CMC/HQMC Portal –Assess options to develop, operate, & maintain portal for HQMC meeting CMC requirements for information aggregation, application integration, and workflow enhancement Enterprise Portal Architecture & Policy –Assuming no enforceable single-vendor Portal Engine standard, defining physical & logical options for integration framework meeting USMC objectives and aligned with DON/DOD policy
21 Envisioned USMC Enterprise Other Portals War Fighter Portal Manpower Relational Database F Systems Layer Training Financial Intel C2Systems Logistics Enterprise Infrastructure Enterprise Portal Unified Data Model Business Logic/Applications
22 Summary NMCI provides… Significant improvement to IT infrastructure –Connectivity, bandwidth/throughput, security Opportunity to improve business effectiveness & gain efficiencies –Improved Enterprise Governance Structure –Common IT Services –Shared Data Environment –Legacy Applications/Application Portfolio Mgmt –Enterprise Portal Framework
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