1 PowerPoint Steven A. Jones Biomedical Engineering Louisiana Tech University Created for Louisiana Tech’s NSF-Funded Research Experiences in Micro/Nano Engineering Program
2 Useful Features 1.Master Slide 2.Animation a.Appear b.Move 3. Macros
3 The Slide Master View | Master | Slide Master Change background Insert Logos Insert date, slide numbers Set up default outline formats
4 Pieces of the Master Louisiana Tech Logo NSF Logo White Banner
5 Example Animation The following slides show how animation can be used to demonstrate the function of a protein (von Willebrand factor).
6 Von Willebrand Factor (vWf) Not sticky Sticky Attaches to Collagen
7 vWf: a Natural Nanomachine Flow
8 vWf: a Natural Nanomachine Flow Without flow, the first platelet passes by the protein. With flow, the protein opens and the second platelet is captured.
9 Animation Methods The previous animation used the following: Entrance:Appear Exit: Disappear Start: On Click With Previous After Previous
10 Example: Oxbow Lake How did this “oxbow lake” form?
11 Another Example Oxbow Lake
12 Other Entrance Effects
15 Hello
16 Hello
17 Hello
18 Hello
19 Hello
20 Hello
21 Coolabah Tree
22 Coolabah Tree
23 Coolabah Tree
24 Important Lesson While these effects tend to be cool. Usually it is best to keep this sort of thing to a minimum. Prevent epileptic seizures Prevent sea-sickness Do not let your audience become distracted by special effects.
25 Play a Video
26 To Add a Video Right click on the file (in Windows Explorer) and select “copy.” Go to the Powerpoint slide and paste. Edit options (right click and go to “action settings”) – usually “object action | play”
27 Caveats for Videos Make sure the application will be available on the computer you will be using. Make sure the path is correct for the computer you will be using. Pre-test the video on the computer you will be using.
28 Useful Macros Variable Letter Greek Letter Normal Letter Circle a=R( / ) 1/2 With Equation Editor Modified Text Unmodified Text a=R( / ) 1/2 Exponent