Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes My Home Life Professor Belinda Dewar and North Lanarkshire My Home Life Associates
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes My Home Life Programme UK Promoting quality of life for those living, dying, visiting and working in care homes for older people.
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes MHL Vision Personalisation Maintaining identity Sharing decision-making Creating community Navigation 4.Managing transitions 5.Improving health & healthcare 6.Supporting good end-of-life Transformation 7.Keeping workforce fit for purpose 8.Promoting a positive culture
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes Relationship-centred care Security: to feel safe Belonging: to feel part of things Continuity: to experience links and connections Purpose: to have a goal(s) to aspire to Achievement: to make progress towards these goals Significance: to feel that you matter as a person Positive relationships within the home and across the community of practice
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes Change Fund Reshaping Care for Older People Funded proposal: North Lanarkshire Glasgow x 2 Edinburgh x2 West Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire South Lanarkshire East Ayrshire Inverclyde South Ayrshire
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes Aims of MHL Scotland Provide learning experience for a small number of care home managers (Leadership and Support) Identify and reduce the barriers to QoL across the wider system (Community Development) Celebrate and share good practice across care homes To create a movement in Scotland which celebrates positive practice
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes Community Development strand Identify what care homes want to work on with local authorities Identify what local authorities want to work on with care homes Run appreciative inquiry workshop to help resolve a shared issue of concern Leave care homes and local authorities working in better partnership
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes What have we learned so far? The value of sharing our challenges and successes with peers We do not have all the answers! We need to make time to ask others what matters to them We are just one expert among many
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes What difference has this made ‘ there is much less of an us and them – we are more of a team’ ‘ I know how to help people to take a shared responsibility’ ‘I am more open and transparent’ ‘I care for relatives more and ask them about their lives and how they are’ ‘I prioritise MHL and cancel things to come here – something I would not have done before’ ‘We are coming up with much creative solutions to things by involving others in decisions about improvement’
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes What people have implemented? Changing structures of residents and relatives meetings that are more inclusive Asking people on a regular basis what matters to them sharing this and acting on this Sharing what matters to the resident in transfer to hospital more systematically Implementing structures during supervision to explore how people feel about issues in the home and their development
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes What have people implemented Specific implementation groups e.g. environment group made up of staff residents and relatives Actively giving and seeking feedback from the inspectorate about the process of inspection Giving each other feedback about language to make this more person centred
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes What managers say…. “We’ve all got the same kind of problems cropping up, it’s great to know you’re not alone and when we talk through the problems, the solutions become clearer.” “It’s been really helpful for my personal development as well as beneficial to the home….it’s giving me the confidence to stand up for doing things right, it’s very motivating.”
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes
Protected Mealtimes Mealtimes We operate a protected mealtimes policy in the care centre Please refrain for coming in at these times Please contact _______if you would like more information
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes Mealtimes are precious times Sitting down to eat good food in good company and in an unhurried and peaceful environment can be the highlight of everyone's day. That's what we aspire to achieve for all of our residents. We cater to their individual tastes and provide meals that can be enjoyed with friends in the dining room or in the comfort of their own room. We try to ensure there are no unnecessary interruptions from staff or visitors. If however you wish to visit at these times could you speak to the staff member in charge.
Promoting Quality of Life in Care Homes It’s not about doing different things its about doing things differently by looking at what we do well, building on this, asking people what matters to them and not being defensive about their answers – but choosing to see this as rich learning that can shape the way things are done – this is My Home Life