Scorer/Timer The table is part of the officiating team. Coordinate with officials throughout the game. If you don’t know, ask!
Scorer/Timer Home team is responsible to provide: - scorer - timer - appropriate table - working horn - clocks Home team is the official score book.
Scorer/Timer Control the Table Area - Only scorer, timers, and spotters should be at table area. Control the penalty/substitution area - players must kneel in front of the table - players must substitute in and out of the box
Primary Responsibilities Keep game time Keep penalty time Time half time Sound the horn
TIMEKEEPER Pre-game Arrive at field at least 30 minutes before game. Start pre-game clock 20 minutes prior to game start time. Notify coaches/officials 4 minutes prior to game. Set game time on clock when teams enter field before first face-off.
Timekeeper Game Time: -4 periods -12 minute periods -Stop clock* (clock stops at whistle and starts at next whistle) Overtime/Sudden Death: -4 minute periods -2 minute intermissions *also remember to stop and start penalty clocks!
Timekeeper At the end of each period: -Notify the official 20 seconds before end of period -Count down at 10 seconds -Sound the horn At the end of the 4 th period: -Notify the official at 2:10 and then at 2 minutes before the end of the period -Continue same as for other 3 periods
Timekeeper Penalty Time Technical Fouls: 30 seconds (or change of possession) Personal Fouls: 1, 2, or 3 minute penalties
Timekeeper When a penalty occurs, the official will blow his whistle to stop the clock. The official will approach the table and announce the foul: “Personal” (category of foul) “Blue” (offending team color) “Number 22” (# of player committing foul) “Slash” (violation) “1 minute” (length of penalty time)
Timekeeper Personal fouls may be: Releasable: - penalty expires if offended team scores and player is automatically released Non-releasable: -entire penalty must be served -is served first (if consecutive penalties) -carries over into next period/overtime
Timekeeper At end of penalty -Announce when 10 seconds are left in the penalty -At 10 seconds, player may swap in penalty box with a teammate -Count down penalty at 5 seconds, ie., “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, RELEASE”
Timekeeper Half Time - 10 minute half time - Notify each team/official 4 minutes before start of second half
Timekeeper Sound horn twice at the next dead ball, if you need to get the official’s attention because: -there is an issue at the table -there is an issue with a player, ie. -Releases early from penalty -Inelligible player enters the game, etc. -head coach requests count of longpoles
Timekeeper Mercy Rule -Only applies in second half -12 goal differential -Clocks goes from stop clock to running clock (clock only stops for official, team, or injury timeouts – includes penalty time) - Penalty time begins on official’s whistle
Primary Responsibilities: -Record for both teams: -Goals/Assists -Penalties -Time Outs (other stats are recorded for coach)
SCOREKEEPER Pregame Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to game time Exchange lineups with the opposing team scorekeeper (enter according to format pre- printed in book). Should be in book 30 minutes before game begins.
Scorekeeper Record a goal by entering: - Time on clock when goal is scored - Type of goal (optional – eg. X-extraman, F-fastbreak) - Number of scoring player - Number of assisting player At end of quarter, tally goals in boxes at right. Keep track of goals scored in the period by drawing a heavy line at the end of each period.
Scorekeeper At each goal, confirm the correct score with the opposing team scorekeeper. At the end of the period, the home score keeper must confirm the current score with the Official. At the end of the game, the home scorekeeper must confirm the final score with the Officials and have the Head Official sign the scorebook.
Scorekeeper Record a Penalty When a penalty occurs, the official will blow his whistle to stop the clock. The official will approach the table and announce the foul: “Personal” (category of foul) “Blue” (offending team color) “Number 22” (# of player committing foul) “Slash” (violation) “1 minute” (length of penalty time)
Scorekeeper Technical Fouls: 30 seconds (or change of possession) Personal Fouls: 1, 2, or 3 minute penalties Any player with 5 minutes of personal foul time (1-3 minute penalties) is disqualified from the game. ***OFFICIAL MUST BE NOTIFIED ASAP.***
SCOREKEEPER To record a penalty: P/T = penalty time/length of penalty # - number of player committing foul Type of Infraction – ie. “hold”, “trip”, “slash” Qtr – quarter/period found committed Time – game time on clock
SCOREKEEPER Time Outs Each team is allowed 2 timeouts per half Record the period when the timeout was taken Record the game time when the timeout was taken
Scorekeeper Other stats: - Shots - Ground balls -Saves -Successful Clears -Face offs -Turnovers -Caused turnovers (see attached sheet for definitions)
Spotter The spotter assists the scorekeeper by calling out what is happening on the field. Sometimes both teams will provide a spotter. Spotters work together to help make sure the correct player is given the correct stat.
Spotter The call should remain consistent. Call the team color first, the number of the player next, then the action/stat. Examples: - Blue, 21, ground ball - Black, 12, assist - Black, 2, goal
TAKE AWAY Remember …. - You are an ambassador of the Everett Lacrosse Club. - Be diplomatic … smile! - It’s about the boys …. be a good role model! Scorers/Timer