The God who creates
So far Units 1-4: How we know God Units 5-6: What we know about God’s nature – Attributes/Trinity Next up Units 7-10: What we learn from God’s actions in history - Creation - Salvation - The Last Days - New Creation Recap
Unifying theme = Kingdom of God expressed in his covenantal word Knowing God in history
Lookup Romans 11:35,36 What three statements are made about God’s relationship to his creation? What do they mean? God’s relationship to creation
1.From him…are all things = Everything is created by God He is Transcendent from his creation God’s relationship to creation
The force is what gives a Jedi his power, it’s an energy field created by all living things, it surrounds us and penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.
Removing God’s Person & Transcendence: Pan-theism Pan-en-theism Alternatives to the God who creates all
1. From him…are all things = Everything is created by God 2. Through him…are all things: Everything is sustained by God Psalm 119:89-91, John 5:17 Removing God’s Immanence: Deism God’s relationship to creation
1. From him…are all things = Everything is created by God 2. Through him…are all things: Everything is sustained by God 3. To him are all things: Everything is purposed by God (Romans 11:36) – All history is heading to a final goal!
Lookup: Psalm 104:27-29, Matthew 10:29-30 Gen 1:4,10,12,18,21, 1 Tim 4:4 Gen 8:22, Psalm 111:7-8 Psalm 19:1-6, Rom 1:20 Heb 1:2-3, Col 1:15-20 The Nature of God’s Creation
Dependent Good Reliable God Glorifying Christ - Centered The Nature of God’s Creation
We are rulers of Creation Genesis 1:28 Criticism – Endemic to Malaysian culture! But – Mark 10:42-45 Our relationship to creation
Worship & Creation Romans 1:21-23 – Idolatry? (Significance – Security – Satisfaction) SEXUAL IMMORALITY & GREED Response of false religion - 1 Timothy 4:4-5, Colossians 2:16-23
Theology & Science on Creation Two Questions: 1. How should we respond to scientific theories of creation? 2. How should we understand miracles in God’s world? BIG BANG Physics EVOLUTION Biology Biblical account of creation?
Points to consider when responding to scientific claims: 1.Theological Studies of Genesis have advanced (brought up old Q’s) 2.Science is provisional, God’s truth is perfect and eternal 3.Evolutionary hypothesis has much evidence, must take arguments seriously 4.Theology & Science ask different questions – Why/How? But this has limits! 5.Scientific study was originally founded on Christian beliefs 1.One God rules heaven and earth 2.His creation is ordered and this order is upheld by his faithfulness 3.Creation is good but is not, in itself, spiritual so can investigate using rationality Theology & Science on Creation
How do we see miracles in relation to the way God works in his world? Key truth in doctrine of creation – God is always involved in the upholding of his creation So every aspect of creation is by God’s intervention, he is not detached! (semi-deism) - Sun rising in the East and setting in the West - miracle? - Waves affected by gravitational pull of Moon A Miracle? An extraordinary action by which God works in his creation to reveal spiritual truth – resurrection? Creation and Miracles
Revelation 4:11 Why is creation vital for the Gospel? Creation determines that God is our Master Sin reveals we are rebels Creation justifies our condemnation
1. Home Assignment: In what ways is God’s commitment to his creation continuous? 2. Read Unit 8 3. Extra Mile: Read the article: Science – friend or foe? Home Study