The Internet Week 2
Introduction The largest computer network in the world with more than 200,000 computer networks Also known as “The Net” when a computer connected with other networks for getting an information. The word internet comes from combination between “interconnection” and “Network” Generally nobody own internet.
Introduction: Brief History Internet began as a network when Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) develop ARPANET in 1969 Purpose: to connect researchers from 4 universities in USA.( Stanford Research Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah In 1980s the actual internet was born when other networks connected with ARPANET.
Introduction: Brief History In 1982 the word internet started. 1986: First “freenet” created in Case Western Reserve University 1991: US government allowed business agencies to connect to internet.
Introduction: Brief History Now all peoples can connect to internet and improve their life and work quality. The internet support various aspects in our life such as:
1: Internet For Discovery Allowed user (people) to access information in database in difference locations. e.g: information from virtual library and information centre such as tourist development centre of Malaysia (TDC). The ability and facility of education, government service, trading and business world can be improved.
1: Internet For Discovery Discovery: By explore and navigate million web pages in internet Surfing process by using web browser (Internet explore, Netscape Navigator, opera, etc)
2. Internet For Communication Communication is a process transmitting and receiving symbol, data, image, text, document, graphic etc by using various computer devices. (hardware and software) Through communication people can share and exchange information. Also influencing and understanding each others.
2. Internet For Communication Communication including the process of collecting, processing, distributing, sharing, retrieving, transferring and storing the information Internet now being a main communication tool. Using video conferencing, internet phone, ICQ, Messenger, etc.
3:Internet For Collaboration Workers in business organization now can collaborating each other in handling works, meetings, discussion and information sharing. Collaboration is about sharing works between 2 or more individuals or groups in finding the solution or task performing.
3:Internet For Collaboration Collaboration include not only workers in organization but including external parties like customer, supplier, competitor, stakeholder to increase productivity and competitiveness Collaboration using computer application like groupware, lotus notes, screen sharing and others communication application.
Words In Internet World: WWW Refer to a hypermedia system. Can be accessed by user with fast access and low cost. Creator: Timm Berners-Lee Allow users to see texts and graphics. Also audio, video and animation. ( Classified as one of service in internet
Words In Internet World: Web Publishing Web publishing is a software to help user to develop web page, edit and publish to internet and intranet. E.g. Microsoft Frontpage, Netscape Composer and Publisher
Words in Internet World: Home Page Home page is a main page or first page view to internet users after they type the personal or organization internet address. E.g. user type URL (Uniform Resources Locator) address : Users can explore other pages through home page.
Words in Internet World: Home Page
Words in Internet World: Web Browser Web scanner or web navigator allows internet users to scan and retrieve information from world wide web. E.g. Internet Explorer, Opera, Neo Planet browser. First web browser was develop in 1991: Mosaic develop by Marc Andreesen.
Words in Internet World: Web Browser E.g of Web Browser
Words In Internet World: Search Engine Search engine is a searching facility uses to find related information as user need in internet. It help user to get information with fast and easy. Example of popular search engine: Google, Yahoo, Hotbot. Ecite and lycos.
Words In Internet World: Search Engine Popular search engines
Words in Internet World: Protocol Protocol: Format that agreed to transfer data between two devices. Internet Protocol. Simple Nail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Networks News Fail Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); Normally use together with IP Post Office Protocol (POP)
Words in Internet World: Internet Protocol Each computer connected to internet will has a unique address known as internet number or Internet IP E.g User do not need to remember the number because IP number represented by Domain Name System (DNS)
Words in Internet World: DNS Purpose: easy to remember web page address. Represent numbers of IP address. E.g: Domain com refer to commercial and my refer to geographic zone. E.g My- Malaysia Question: Why web page registered in USA no need country domain?? And why a part of organizations in Malaysia have no organization class domain such as ≠
Words In Internet Worlds: HTTP HTTP stand for HyperText Transfer Protocol. HTTP is a main protocol used in World wide web for transfer information between computer. E.g.
Words In Internet World: URL Stand for Uniform Resources Locator. Allow internet users access a web page. URL is a access code to identify locations of hypermedia, document, database or other sources in web page.
Words In Internet World: HTML Stand for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a language uses to develop hypertext document in WWW or intranet. This language will determine connection between web pages and view form of a web page.
Words In Internet World: HTML E.g. Hypertext Markup Language Document
Words In Internet World: Internet Service Provider (ISP) ISP refer to company who provide internet facilities. User need to open an account to access internet. E.g. ISP in Malaysia: TMNet, Jaring, Maxisnet.
Internet Services: Electronic Mail is a internet services for communication Allow users to send and receive mail in electronic form Like ordinary mail, have address, subject of latter and body of latter. E.g. address
Internet Services: Electronic Mail
Internet Services: Newsgroup News group is one of internet application USENET Newsgroups: First newsgroup introduced by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis Through newsgroup discussions can be made globally –world wide User can change information, experience and opinion Various topics can be discussed like politic, sport, education, science etc.
Internet Services: Newsgroup E.g. Newsgroup provided by UUM web-mail
Internet Services: Video Conferencing Allow more than two people meet face to face virtually at different location without reality attendance Benefit: to long distance communication Chance to wide communication between business, academicians, students etc
Internet Services: Video Conferencing NetMeeting from Microsoft
Internet Services: File Transfer Protocol FTP is a facility to transfer files between computers which connected to internet. There are many application software's for file transfer such as WS-FTP Web browser also support FTP services.
Internet Services: File Transfer Protocol FTP directory using Netscape Navigator
Internet Services: Telnet A terminal emulation program for TCP/IP network Allows real time connection between user and remote computer. User who want login to remote computer need a hos account. Need login name and password.
Internet Services: Telnet Telnet to access PSB UUM
Internet Services: Forum Category: Collaboration application LotusNotes, Lotus Instant Teamroom and Callabra are example of this application Use for discussion between two and more users.
What You Need to Use Internet at Home Personal Computer Modem- Internal and external model/ Wireless Fixed line telephone Internet Account with ISP
Benefits Using Internet Send and receive documents, texts, image, graphic world wide with low cost, fast and almost real time As platform to change idea, information and opinion. Also download various documents and software’s.
Benefits Using Internet Participate in electronic commerce Conduct research collaboration between different nation. As information, document, graphic and photo resources.