Israel Guide Ms. Buffalino. QUICK FACTS Capital city of Israel Largest city in Israel One of the oldest cities in the world Inhabited by the “Big Three”


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Presentation transcript:

Israel Guide Ms. Buffalino

QUICK FACTS Capital city of Israel Largest city in Israel One of the oldest cities in the world Inhabited by the “Big Three”

The Make-Up About two-thirds of Jerusalem's population are Jews. The remainder is mostly Muslims, plus a small number of Christians, including Roman Catholics, Eastern Catholics, Protestants, and members of Eastern Orthodox Churches. Jerusalem is a city of three Sabbaths—Friday (Muslim), Saturday (Jewish), and Sunday (Christian).

Palestine Parts of Israel today, Jordon, Lebanon and Syria.

Palestinians Majority Muslims Minority Christians Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat Leader of Palestinians ( )

Arabs Secular term Often used as a reference for Muslims although the term is secular. Arab Christians exist Arab Jews exist

Arabs Pan Arabism -> Movement for Arab nation. PLO - One time terrorist organization, now considered to be a legitimate political body whose goals have been to create a nation- state for the displaced Palestinians. The PLO was lead by Yasir Arafat.

Israelis Are citizens of the modern state of Israel regardless of religious heritage or ethnic identity, including most numerously Jews, Muslims, Christians, Arabs, and others. Often misused as the term Israelite.

Important Places Jerusalem Gaza Strip West Bank

Israel (Map 2003)

West Bank A territory in the Middle East that lies between Israel and Jordan. Most of the people are Arabs known as Palestinians.

West Bank  Annexed by Jordan in  In 1967 Israel defeated Jordan, Egypt and Syria in a war and captured the West Bank in the Six Day War.

West Bank In 1974, King Hussein of Jordan gave up his government's responsibility for the West Bank to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

West Bank Conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. Conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. On Aug. 15, 2005, the Israeli government began the evacuation of all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and four West Bank settlements. On Aug. 15, 2005, the Israeli government began the evacuation of all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and four West Bank settlements. Conflict still continues. Conflict still continues.

Gaza Strip  Israel directly occupied the Gaza Strip from 1967 to 2005 and remains in control of its borders.  The territory has been the site of many clashes between Palestinian Arabs and Israelis.  June 2007, Hamas, a radical Islamic organization and political party, seized control of the Gaza Strip by force.

Gaza Strip  In December 2008, Israel began air attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket attacks from Hamas militants.  In January 2009, Israel began sending troops into the Gaza Strip.  The fighting caused more than 1,300 deaths, almost all of them Palestinians, and wounded thousands more.  On January 17, Israel declared a cease-fire. Hamas declared a cease-fire the next day, though some fighting continued.