Eye Disease and Their View
– Color-Blind – Macular degeneration – Cataracts – Diabetic retinopathy – Glaucoma – Presbyopia-refractive error – Diplopia – Floaters – Night Blindness Common Eye Diseases
Internal anatomy of the eye
Color blindness Deuteranomaly: malfunctioning green cone (common) Deuteranopia: missing green cone (rare) Protanomaly: malfunctioning red cone (rare) Protanopia: missing red cone (rare)
Types of Color Blindness
Visual comparison
The Retina Retinal blood vessels Macula (fovea in centre) Optic nerve
What is Macular Degeneration? Wet and ray macular degeneration causes blurred vision Macula-is the fovea centralis-focal point of vision. – Wet macular degeneration -blood vessels build up under retina and leak blood – Dry macular degeneration -tissue in the macula becomes thin and breaks down. Difficulty distinguishing visual images
Macular Degeneration (MD)
What is a cataract? A cataract is the clouding of the lens inside the eye. With a cataract, light is scattered as it enters the eye, causing blurred vision.
What is diabetic retinopathy? This condition is a complication of diabetes It affects the small blood vessels of the retina Blood vessels begin to leak and bleed inside the eye
Diabetic retinopathy
What is glaucoma? It is a disease that affects the optic nerve at the back of the eye Relieving pressure on the nerve reduces progression of the disease Early detection and treatment can slow the vision loss Caused by build up of aqueous humor faster than it is degraded. Pressure increases in eye.
What is presbyopia(refractive error)? Refractive error is a focusing disorder of the eye Over the age of 40 years, 22 per cent of the population has refractive error It is correctable by wearing glasses or contact lenses or refractive laser surgery (selected cases) Inability to accommodate, near point of vision moves further away.
What is diplopia? Deviating eye causes double vision. Turning eye may eventually become blind as a result of the brain suppressing the image from the wandering eye.
What are floaters? Spots or specs that appear to be “floating” across your field of view. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous clump together and cast tiny shadows on the retina
What is night blindness? Night blindness (also called nyctalopia) is the inability to see well at night or in poor light. It is not a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying disorder or problem, especially untreated nearsightedness. Can be caused by lack of vitamin A which effects the rods.
Night Blindness