Introduction to Church Planting: Fall 2004


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Church Planting: Fall 2004 Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Rodney Harrison

The World Realities The estimated unchurched population of America is 219 million (Jan. ’01 North American Mission Board) This is supported also by the Gallup Princeton Religion Report. Only three nations have a larger number of lost people within their borders (NAMB) – China, India, Indonesia. North America is the only continent where Christianity did not grow in the past decade (NAMB) One of every five Californian would respond positively and accept a gospel invitation if simply asked (Research by Randy McCorter, Mar. ’01 California Southern Baptist Convention, Evangelism Department) Could the numbers here be much different?

The World Realities Evangelical churches have failed to gain an additional two percent of the American population in the past 50 years, in other words, we are not even reaching our children. (George Barna, American Profile, 1997) No county in America has a greater percentage of churched persons today than a decade ago. (ASCG) 380 counties in the USA have no SBC church. (NAMB) 63,000 communities have been identified with no evangelical church (NAMB) Over 50% of all churches did not add a new member through conversion (ASCG)

The World Realities The church to population ratio is on the decline. (Thomas Clegg, The Need for Church Planting in America) 1900 there were 27 churches for every 10,000 Americans 1950 there were 17 churches for every 10,000 Americans 2000 there are less than 11 churches for every 10,000 Americans Southern Baptists have reached less than 1% of the ethnic population of America (NAMB) 25,000 US citizens convert to Islam each year. (Zwimmer Institute) Between 3000 and 4000 American churches close their doors permanently each year. (ASCG) During the same time, only 2400-3200 are started. (NAMB)

The World Realities The United States is the largest post-Christian nation on earth. America leads the world in every category of violent and domestic crime. (Thomas T. Clegg, December 1997) America was once the number one mission-sending nation. Although we continue to give, today we are the 13th largest recipient of missionaries. (Clegg) The largest church is the world (Yoido Full Gospel, 700,000 members) is in Buddhist Seoul, South Korea. The largest Buddhist Temple in the world is in Boulder, Co. The second largest church in the world (385,000 members) is in Muslim Nigeria, while the largest Muslim training center is in Brooklyn, NY. (Clegg)

The World Realities In China, 42,600 people came to Christ today. In Indian, 27, 700. In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 17,000. In the United States, under 6000. (US center for World Missions) In China and India, a new church is being planting every 72 seconds. In the United States, a new church is started only every 4 hours. (US center for World Missions and NAMB)

A Missional Response: C. Peter Wagner, Former professor of Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission and currently director of Global Harvest Ministries is Colorado, wrote in his classic book Church Planting for a Greater Harvest that, “the single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.”

A Missional Response: The statistics seems to bear this out. (Interest Magazine). Churches under three years of age win an average of ten people to Christ per year for every one hundred church members Churches three to fifteen years of age win an average of five people per year for every one hundred church members Churches over fifteen years of age win an average of three people per year for every one hundred church members

Assignment Determine the “Members per Baptism” and the “$ per Baptism” ratio of your “home church.” Turn in at the beginning of class on Thursday. Include your name on the paper!