CARS 21 A strategic vision towards increased internationalisation in the automotive sector What does it entail for the World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations? Nickolas KAKIZIS Automotive Industry Unit DG Enterprise and Industry Transmitted by the representative of the European Union Quiet Road Transport Vehicles Informal Working Group – QRTV Meeting, 18 th -20 th July 2012, NHTSA HQ, Washington DC, USA
2 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit CARS 21 = Competitive Automotive Regulatory System for the 21 st Century = High Level Group representing all key stakeholders of the European automotive sector, both authorities and industry = formulating mid-term policy recommendations for a competitive automotive industry and sustainable growth = originally set-up in 2005 = re-launched in 2010 to develop a strategic vision for the horizon 2020 What is CARS 21?
3 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 3 Key areas: Promote development of new technologies through financing of research Managing regulatory compliance costs through smart regulation Support internationalisation to improve access to the global market: Bilaterally: through trade negotiations Internationally: through regulatory convergence CARS 21: strategic vision for 2020
4 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 1.Enhancing business conditions through: Cost-effective and smart regulation taking into account the affordability of new vehicles Enhance type-approval framework by introducing market surveillance where needed CARS 21 key messages with specific relevance for WP.29
5 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 2. Improving competitiveness on global markets through: Reform of the 1958 UNECE Agreement with a view to make it more attractive for emerging markets Introduction of International Whole Vehicle Type- Approval (IWVTA) CARS 21 key messages with specific relevance for WP.29
6 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit objectives of the 1958 Agreement review ensuring sufficient level of safety & environmental protection Make it more attractive for emerging countries Maintain robust & reliable international framework,
7 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit CARS 21 recommendations 1. Turn 1958 Agreement into extended global system Short term: reform of the 1958 Agreement Medium to long term: global system also for countries applying self-certification, without undermining type-approval system 2. Involve third countries through changed governance in WP.29 Short term: participation/chairing informal groups & GRs* Long to medium term: quorum for adopting and/or amending Regulations *Note: no obligation to apply 1958 Agreement Regulations!
8 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit CARS 21 recommendations 3.EU Commission, EU Member States & industry to join efforts in promoting the 1958 Agreement, especially in countries with a developing automotive market 4.Introduction of IWVTA to increase attractiveness of the 1958 Agreement: to be gradual
9 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 3. Reducing pollutant and noise emissions: Development of new driving test cycle and test procedure: strong commitment towards successful outcome of WLTP process and support for the defined ambitious calendar Issue of regional differences to be carefully addressed strong commitment towards implementing WLTP in the EU CARS 21 key messages with specific relevance for WP.29
10 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 4. Deploying electro-mobility: Need for further technical requirements: To ensure that EVs are as safe as conventional ones. Priority to be given to internationally adopted rules Launch of two informal groups on EVS and EVE by WP.29 in November 2011 to develop gtr on EVs strongly welcomed and supported Need for a single European recharging interface CARS 21 key messages with specific relevance for WP.29
11 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit 5. Reducing pollutant and noise emissions: Tackling vehicle noise emissions: New test method for measuring vehicle noise as developed by UNECE confirmed as suitable for type-approval in the EU. Noise of quiet vehicles: awaiting development of global technical regulation, installation of sound generation devices to remain optional CARS 21 key messages with specific relevance for WP.29
12 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit The reduction of road transport noise nuisance for citizens needs to be tackled through an Integrated Approach. Industry, authorities from EU, national and local level and infrastructure operators need to contribute to implement the most cost-effective solutions. Vehicle measures need to be complemented by measures to influence driver behaviour, tyre/road surface improvements, traffic management, noise source isolation and other infrastructure measures. The new test protocol for measuring vehicle noise emissions has been evaluated positively, as confirmed through an impact assessment, and should be used for type approval. Provisions for off- cycle noise emissions may be added. CARS 21 Recommendations for Noise Emissions with specific relevance for GRB - I
13 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit In order to contribute to the reduction of noise nuisance, a further reduction of noise limits for heavy-duty and light-duty vehicles is technically feasible and proposed by the Commission, underpinned by an impact assessment. This will be further discussed in the legislative procedure. A two-step approach, based on compared values, with the first requiring only limited technical adaptations, followed by a second step, requiring more substantial abatement measures implemented on the vehicles, seems to be supported. The need for industrial leadtime has to be considered, taking into account the extent of technical adaptation needed. CARS 21 Recommendations for Noise Emissions with specific relevance for GRB - II
14 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit The new legislation for vehicle noise emissions should duly take into account the efforts made by the tyre industry to meet the noise requirements set out in Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 and should avoid double legislation for tyres. Regarding the noise of quiet vehicles, awaiting the development of a global regulation, only adequate sound generating devices should be used. Including legal requirements in the proposal aims to lead to a harmonisation of the applied technology. The installation as such and its sound characteristic should not be mandated but remain an option for the vehicle manufacturer. Technology is likely to evolve and a further assessment may be needed at a later stage. CARS 21 Recommendations for Noise Emissions with specific relevance for GRB - III
15 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit The CARS 21 High Level group Final Report 2012 provides a strong political signal and clear mandate for the EU Member States, the European Commission and the EU Automotive Industry to support increased internationalisation through WP.29, in particular in relation to: The reform of the 1958 Agreement and the development of IWVTA The finalisation of WLTP in line with the agreed timeline The development of a gtr on the safety of EVs The new test method for measuring the noise of vehicles Main conclusions
16 DG Enterprise and Industry Automotive Industry Unit For further information: on the CARS 21 process and on EU motor vehicle type-approval legislation, including links to Directives, Regulations etc. Thank you for your attention!