-This action of Nasser angered the French and the British. -French Britain and Israel forces attacked Egypt October kept U.S in the dark -U.S cuts oil supplies with Britain and France -Britain and France withdraw forces from Egypt in December.
Middle Class Expansion During the 1950s, the middle class expanded. – Diners Club introduced the first plastic credit card in 1949 – The first McDonald opened up in 1950 at San Bernardino, California – Disneyland opened on 1955 in Anaheim, California Easy credit, high-volume, “fast–food’ production, and new forms of recreation brought about a new life style of leisure and affluence. Modern conveniences made it easier for the middle class to purchase items.
Television The television was originally a luxury for the rich starting out with 6 TV stations back in 1946, however, by million TV sets were sold and 442 stations were broadcasting. 95% of American homes were electric powered as industry worked to keep up with the demand for new and innovative products. Soon almost every American family owned a television. This later played a role in the election of The TV was used by advertisers, televangelists, and politicians to advertise as well as promote. One example of TV used in politics is the Checkers Speech addressed by vice president Richard Nixon during the election of 1952 Another example would be the presidential debate between Kennedy and Nixon 1960.
The IBM During the Eisenhower Era, Science and technology developed exponentially and helped develop economy more than ever in history. The first computers manufactured during the 1940’s were nothing compared to the ones during Eisenhower's era in which the computers were lessened in size and developed phenomenal speed. The Computer giant IBM(International Business Machines) expanded significantly, and was labeled as the leader of the technology corporation in the emerging “informative age”. Computers also reformed its old business practices such as inventory control, billing, and usage of calculators which made business more facile. New computers also brought new functions that work with military, with telecommunications that transmits information between military and civilian aircraft.
Soviet Scientists vs. NASA The Soviet scientists surprised the whole world on October 4, 1957, when they launched Sputnik I and into space, and another larger one a month later. This breakthrough bewildered Americans, and made them feel uneasy. Rocket fever swept the nation as Americans realized that if Russians can launch heavy objects in space, they can definitely launch intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBM) to wherever they wish. Therefore, Eisenhower established NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and directed billions of dollars for rocket and missile development. This economic and scientific battle between the soviets and the U.S. actually helped U.S. much more than expected; it helped U.S. realize that they needed to strengthen their educational system, and will also later in future, help with the military to look into any place in the world without being there physically.
Work-Cited 1. Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant. Boston: Charles Hartford, Print. 2.Zacharias, Pat. “When Bomb Shelters Were All the Rage”. Undergroundbombshelter.com. Web. 19 Mar