Reflection #1 (Term 2) Book: The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR By Don and Audrey Wood Illustrated by Don Wood
Pre-Natal Development BABY Zygote Embryo Fetus
Prenatal Baby Development Development of the baby during the period before birth. Development in three stages Zygote—first 2 weeks of pregnancy Embryo—3rd-8th week of development Fetus—8th week till delivery
How is Prenatal Development Measured? Prenatal Period lasts 40 weeks Is measured from the last menstrual period Broken up into 3 trimesters Each trimester is about 13 weeks, or 3 months
First Trimester Weeks 1-13, Months 1-3
Month 1—The Zygote Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Finishing menstrual cycle Weeks 3-4 Fertilization/conception Egg travels to uterus (womb) Implantation—this is when pregnancy technically begins
The Zygote—Month 1 Cell multiplication begins Internal organs and circulatory system begins to form. At the end of two weeks the zygote is the size of a pin-head Heart begins to beat 3 weeks & 1 day after fertilization Small bumps show the beginnings of arms and legs
Parts of the Zygote At 3-4 weeks the brain divides into 3 parts: Forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain Yolk sac: A membrane-lined sac that provides nourishment in the early stages of a baby's development in utero. It also acts as a rudimentary circulatory system before the embryo is able to circulate blood internally.
4 weeks & 6 days….the skin is transparent because it is only 1 cell thick
Conception Once a month and ovum is released Ovum- A female egg The Egg moves through the Fallopian Tube to the uterus Uterus-Where the baby develops during pregnancy If not fertilized it disintegrates and is flushed away with menstruation
But . . . If it is fertilized in the Fallopian Tube by a sperm—Conception occurs This Union is what we call a zygote!
The Embryo—Month 2 At 5 weeks the embryo is ¼ inch long All major organ systems develop Face and limbs take shape Amniotic sac is inside the placenta Amniotic fluid – guards against jolts, keeps the fetus at a constant temperature, keeps the fetus from forming a connection to the endometrium lining. Amniotic sac – holds the amniotic fluid, a very strong, clear and transparent sbaby to exit out of it.
Month 2 Webbed fingers and toes develop 7 weeks 8 weeks
The Embryo—Month 2 The placenta and Umbilical Cord develop Placenta- The tissue that connects the sac around the unborn baby to the mother’s uterus Umbilical Cord- Tube that connects the baby to the placenta Brings the baby nourishment and oxygen from the mother’s blood Takes away waster products Amniotic Sac Holds the amniotic fluid and surrounds the baby Amniotic fluid Gaurds against jolts and keeps constant temperature Amniotic sac is inside the placenta Amniotic fluid – guards against jolts, keeps the fetus at a constant temperature, keeps the fetus from forming a connection to the endometrium lining. Amniotic sac – holds the amniotic fluid, a very strong, clear and transparent sbaby to exit out of it.
Two Months
Month 2 This is when signs and symptoms of pregnancy usually become apparent First trimester has the worst symptoms
Look Up Early Symptoms of Pregnancy Web MD Pregnancy App
Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy 1. Missed menstrual period 2. Fuller and more tender breasts 3. Nausea or morning sickness 4. Fatigue 5. Sensitivity to particular odors 6.Increased urination 7. Moodiness
The Fetus—Month 3 The fetus is about 1 inch long Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form Eyelids are fused shut Arms, legs, fingers, and toes have developed All internal organs are present—but aren’t ready to function
3 Months
Fingers & toes no longer webbed 12 Weeks 11 Weeks
The Fetus—Month 3 The genital organs can be recognized as male or female Can tell as early as 12 weeks Most doctors give the ultrasound at 18-20 weeks
Summary of First Trimester The most critical and greatest time of risk and vulnerability for birth defects depending on what the mother does or does not do during the pregnancy i.e.: taking drugs/medication. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy are more likely to occur. The majority of the physical development occurs (every physical feature and vital organs form, heart beats and brain waves begin etc.) There is small maternal weight gain.
The Fetus—Month 4 Fetus is 3 inches long and weights 5 oz. Your baby is covered with a layer of thick, downy hair called lanugo. His heartbeat can be heard clearly. This may be when you feel your baby's first kick. The baby can such thumb, swallow and hiccup.
4 months
18 Weeks 15 Weeks 16 Weeks
The Fetus—Month 5 The Fetus is about 6 inches long and weighs 4-5 oz. A protective coating called vernix begins to form on baby's skin. Hair eyelashes and eyebrows appear Organs keep maturing Fetus is very active The eyes can open and blink
Smallest baby in the world born At just 22 weeks Her little feet She was 10 OUNCES when born and 9.5 inches. That's just longer than the length of your hand. She weighed less than a can of soda!
The Fetus—Month 6 The fetus is 8-10 inches long and weighs 4-5 oz. Your baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and he has started breathing motions. If you talk or sing, he can hear you. Fat is starting to deposit under the skin
6 Months
The Fetus—Month 7 Fetus is 10-12 inches long and weighs about 1-2 pounds. Fetus is active and then rests. The baby now uses the four senses of vision, hearing, taste and touch
Seven Months
The Fetus—Month 8 The fetus is 14-16 inches long and weighs 2-3 pounds Layers of fat are piling on. Fetus has probably turned head-down in preparation for birth. Fetus may react to noises with a jerking action
Eight Month
The Fetus—Month 9 Fetus is about 17-18 inches long and weighs 5-6 pounds Skin is smooth because of the fat Baby’s movement slows down due to lack of room “Lightening” occurs when the baby drops in the pelvis Disease fighting antibodies are taken from the mother’s blood