Interactive Case Tutorial
Review the history and signalment for the client Evaluate the radiographs provided Explore the interactive images and compare the answers given with your own interpretations Answer the questions regarding a diagnosis and recommendations Review the radiologist’s findings
Signalment: 1 year old, FS, Labrador retriever History: 6 month history of left pelvic limb lameness Study: Lateral and dorsoplantar views of the left tarsus
Mineral fragments Sclerosis Irregularity is osteophytes Flattened medial trochlear ridge and wide joint space medially Tibiotarsal joint swelling
Provide a diagnosis based on your findings. Submit Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the medial trochlear ridge of the left talus with mild degenerative joint disease (DJD) Feedback Continue
Provide your recommendation for this client. Submit Radiograph the right tarsus as this is often a bilateral lesion Flexed lateral and oblique views may provide improved visualization of the defect and fragments (arrows) There is controversy regarding the choice of surgical versus medical management for OC of the tarsus Feedback Continue DLPM view
Marked intracapsular swelling of the tibiotarsal joint Widening of the medial aspect of the tibiotarsal joint due to flattening of the medial trochlear ridge of the talus Subchondral sclerosis of the medial talus Mineral fragments at the medial aspect of the talus Osteophytes at the lateral aspect of the tibiotarsal joint
The attending surgeon recommended surgery to remove the fragments from the tibiotarsal joint. The owners did not elect to pursue surgery.