Robert Whaley, PE MDOT Utility Coordination and Permits Manager Transport Permits Acting Supervisor Robert Beckon Permit Agents Linda Bell Michele Lutz Tina Smith *Angela Miller Stephanie Savage *Jennifer Schafer
RESPONSIBILITIES Issue permits when vehicle/load exceeds legal limits of width, height, length or weight on State Roadways. i.e M-59, US-24, I-69. (M, I or US) Oversize Overweight Oversize & Overweight
Transport Permits General Overview Legal Dimension Limits Permitted Weight Limits Non-Divisible Loading Permit Operation Statistics Permit Procurement Methods Prime Objectives
Legal Dimension Limits Single Trips Length = 65’ Height = 13’ - 6” Width = 8’ – 6”
Superloads Length 150’ Height 15’ Width 16’
Permitted Weight Limits MDOT is different from other states How Axle weight –vs- gross vehicle weight 700 #/in of tire width Self propelled (cranes) = 850 #/in of tire width Reasons MVC Weight distribution to preserve highways
Non-Divisible Loading Description A load that can’t be made smaller or reduced in weight (8 hrs) Examples Front end loader- can’t Steel rebar –can Reasoning If a load can be reduced in size or weight to legal dimensions and weight, it has to be done.
www.michigan.gov/truckers MDOT TRUCKERS WEB PAGE Here’s the website address that hosts a plethora of information regarding transport permit operations. This presentation will highlight just a few of the more frequently used pieces of information available on our website.
Construction Restrictions
Spring Weight Restrictions These restrictions are updated as soon as we receive notification from the field engineers and they are approved by Transport Permit Management. The user can select the highest numbered restriction to see the most current information. Historical information can be obtained by selecting past years. Go back to the main page.
Restriction E-mail
Truck Operators Map
Truck Operator’s Map Each section of this map can be clicked on to zoom in to a more detailed view.
RULES AND GUIDELINES Select Maximum Truck loading and Dimensions under Rules and Guidelines.
Maximum Truck Loadings and Dimensions This four page form, also known as the T-1 Form, gives you all the information you need for maximum loading requirements. Anything over these dimensions and axle weights would be permittable loads. When we go back to the home page…
Frequently Asked Questions This will show a list of frequently asked questions. You can select anyone of them to see the answer. Go back to the main menu…
COUNTY INFO Also under the Seasonal heading you’ll find County Seasonal Restrictions.
County Seasonal Weight Restrictions This map show the Seasonal Restriction status of each county. The map indicates the following: No = restrictions are not in effect - green Date = when the restrictions begin On = restriction are in effect - red Until = when the restrictions will be lifted There is also a direct link to each county provided. Returning to the main page …
Bridges With Load Retrictions After selecting the link the user can navigate to the statewide map, which is divided into regions, or to a specific city map. The legend on each map provides the following classifications: Class A bridges, indicated with solid blue dots. Class B bridges, indicated with open blue dots. Class C bridges, indicated with solid red dots. Class D bridges, indicated with open red dots. Depending upon a particular load’s axle weights, our program (MIPARS) will determine what “class” of bridge the load can cross. Return to main page…
CONTACTS Under the Contacts heading you’ll find the different MDOT Regions.
MDOT Offices by Region On this site you can see the different regions identified by color coding. Go back to main page……..
Mi Drive
REAL TIME TRAFFIC INFO Select a camera and get a picture of the real time traffic image. Go back to main page….
Truckers Links
MIPARS TO MITRIP MITRIP Pro’s Update 10 year old sufficiency data and continually update in the future Allow anyone to submit for a permit without a minimum requirement Check for restrictions within the system Allow for auto issue of select type of permit applications (not initially) Allow access to Motor Carriers and provide ability to revoke Allow access to Bridge Engineers to process applications requiring bridge analysis Superload’s Superloads Applications Submitted Electronically and analyzed electronically by TSC Engineers Shippers Letter and Route Survey Information incorporated into online application (However, hard copy will be maintained on file if asked for) Processing time significantly decreased for analysis of Superloads Extended’s Decrease processing time for Extendeds (Annuals) Submitted electronically Eliminate Accounting Delays (All paid by Credit Card) Eliminate Mailing process and delays (All done electronically)
For More Information… Call (517) 241-8999 Go to http://www.michigan.gov/mdot and select “Truckers” under Favorite Links
Lowboy Trailers 53’ Multiaxle Trailers 37.5 to 40.7 to kingpin Lift axles not included in calculation ????????????
Steel Coil vs Mill Roll Steel Coil (anything on a spool) is considered divisible Exceptions? (With proper justification)
Police Escorts? When ? Escort ? Permit Returns Mi no
Permits Applications Returns Michigan Transport Permits Unit will no longer return application