The Genesis Pattern (Gen 1-11) Session 2.1.5
Goals for this mini session Recognize the “Genesis Pattern” Know the Covenant Pattern
Sin Increases, God Remains Faithful Two purposes to the accounts following “the Fall” in primeval history 1. They show the growth and worsening of sin 2. They show no matter how bad humanity fell, God remained faithful in finding a way to keep his plan of salvation going.
3 Significant Stories Cain and Abel Noah and the Flood The Tower of Babel
Pascual 2
Genesis 4:1
Genesis 4:2
Genesis 4:3
Genesis 4:4
Genesis 4
Genesis 4:16
* [4:2] Some suggest the story reflects traditional strife between the farmer (Cain) and the nomad (Abel), with preference for the latter reflecting the alleged nomadic ideal of the Bible. But there is no disparagement of farming here, for Adam was created to till the soil. The story is about two brothers (the word “brother” occurs seven times) and God’s unexplained preference for one, which provokes the first murder. The motif of the preferred younger brother will occur time and again in the Bible, e.g., Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and David (1 Sm 16:1–13).4:21 Sm 16:113
Gen 6:5-9:17
Genesis 6:12, 11
Genesis 6:8-9
Genesis 6:13
Genesis 6:14, 7:4
Genesis 6:18, 14
Genesis 6:22, 13, 15
Genesis 6:15-16
Genesis 6:19-20
Genesis 6:19
Genesis 6:20
Genesis 7:8-9
Genesis 6:13, 21
Genesis 7:1, 7
Genesis 7:16
Genesis 7:11
Genesis 7:11-12
Genesis 7:18
Genesis 7:19
Genesis 7:21
Genesis 7:23, 22
Genesis 7:24
Genesis 8:1
Genesis 8:3-4, 15-17
Genesis 8:18-19
Genesis 8:20
Genesis 8:21
Genesis 9:1-3
Genesis 9:4
Genesis 9:6
Genesis 9:8-12
Genesis 9:12
Fun facts NAB Footnotes * [9:1] God reaffirms without change the original blessing and mandate of 1:28. In the Mesopotamian epic Atrahasis, on which the Genesis story is partly modeled, the gods changed their original plan by restricting human population through such means as childhood diseases, birth demons, and mandating celibacy among certain groups of women.9:11:28
Pascual 2
Genesis 11:1-2
Genesis 11:2-4
Genesis 11:3
Genesis 11:5-6
Genesis 11:7
Genesis 11:8
Genesis 11:9
Fun Facts Babel is another spelling of Babylon, the nation and city where the Israelite leaders were brought as captives. They built tall towers called ziggurats. During the Babylonian Exile, the Israelites would have recognized much idolatry, worship of false gods.
To wrap up and Conclusion Skip to Covenants THE END
Covenant Pattern Pascual RE D3
Cain and Abel What do you know about Cain and Abel? The effects of Original Sin continue in the story of Cain and Abel. Eve recognizes God’s blessing in Cain’s birth. God warns Cain against resentment and anger. Cain kills Abel despite God’s warning. Cain lies to God. Cain is banned from farming, paralleling Adam and Eve’s banishment from the Garden. God neither kills Cain nor allows others to kill him—revenge would be the same sin Cain committed. Image in public domain
The Flood What do you know about Noah and the Flood? In the story of Noah and the Flood, human beings fall prey to the sinful and evil ways of the world. Following the Flood a rainbow appears as a sign of God’s Covenant with Noah and all living beings. God’s Covenant with Noah is an “everlasting covenant” that “will remain in force as long as the world lasts” (CCC, 71). The Covenant with Noah foreshadows God’s Covenant with Abraham. God chooses Noah to escape the Flood because of his obedience to God’s Law and respect for creation. Image in public domain
Tower of Babel What do you know about the Tower of Babel? In the account of the Tower of Babel, power-hungry people of different nations together attempt to build a tower that will reach the heavens. Longing to be like God, lured by the hope to be famous, and forgetting about their covenantal relationship with God, nothing will stop the people from building a self-serving tower of greed — nothing except the hand of God. God stops the people from building the tower by confusing their speech, making it impossible for them to communicate and effectively carry out their plan. Image in public domain
Important Teachings from Genesis 1-11 God created the earth and humanity as good, and He invites us to relationship. “The history” of our interaction with God began with His initiative in the Creation. Disobedience is the source of Original Sin, the reality of our human condition of brokenness. Disrespect for humanity and life is disrespect for God, the Creator, as shown in the story of Cain and Abel. (lack of Original Holiness and Justice) God respects those who respect his creation and law (rules), as shown in the story of Noah.
Important Teachings from Genesis 1-11 God desires to be in relationship with humanity, as shown by the stories of Adam and Eve and Noah. These stories are the opening moments of salvation history and the reason for it. God did not abandon humanity at the Fall. Instead, salvation history began at this point to help humanity return to a committed relationship with God. Salvation history records humanity’s relationship with God through a series of promises, or covenants, in which both God and humanity have responsibilities.
5 Minute Break Skip to Covenants