Welcome to 3rd Grade Open House September 5, 2012
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Procedures and Expectations Common Core Curriculum Volunteering Conferences Third Grade Questions and Concerns
Informational Packet Class List Important Dates Daily Schedule Steps to Volunteering
Procedures and Expectations Class Agreement Be respectful, responsible, kind, and safe Behavior: 1st Think About It 2nd Teacher’s Choice 3rd Timeout in another class 4th Parent Contact/ Referral
Class Website http://teacherweb.com/fl/countryhillselementary/ davis Monthly Newsletters Important Information Links to Learning
Home School Connection Agenda Parent Signature Nightly Conversation Starter Reading Minutes- Stuck on Books Log minutes in agenda Calculate total minutes at end of month 4800 minutes required by the last of March Sunshine Math Soaring With Science
Reading Across Broward Parents keep log at home Forms available through media center section on Country Hills Website.
Curriculum Common Core Reading/ Language Arts Writing Math Science Social Studies
Common Core State Standards State-led effort to prepare students for college and careers. Demand curriculum integration. Focus on rigor and depth. Spiraling language arts and math standards—each year depends on mastery of the previous year’s standards. Watch this video: Explaining the Common Core State Standards
Common Core Transitions Putting It All Together Students will be assessed this school year (April 2014) on Florida’s standards using the FCAT 2.0. Beginning next year students will be assessed on the Common Core State Standards. This assessment will not focus on one year’s learning, but expect students to apply what they have learned in previous grades. This year students will receive blended instruction to prepare for this year’s test, as well as the spiraling curriculum of the Common Core State Standards.
Common Core Resources for parents www.definingthecore.com www.corestandards.org www.pta.org Parents Parent Guide to Student Success www.achievethecore.org Leadership Tools Parent Resources www.cgcs.org Quick Links or Academics or use “Search this Site”
Reading Workshop Whole Group Focus Lessons Reading to Self Reading to Learn Reading with a Partner Content area Reading (Science and Social Studies) Individual Conferences/Goal Setting Small Groups Test Prep
Reading Skills Vocabulary in Context Plot Development Main Idea Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Author’s Purpose Reference and Research Details
FCAT Explorer Online resource to practice FCAT reading skills at home. Has same question format as FCAT Password and sign in will be forthcoming Assigned for homework
Become a reading partner with your child. Create an atmosphere for reading. Read aloud to your child daily. Listen to your child read to you. Read together. Discuss the stories you read together. Recognize the value of silent reading. Be a reading model for your child. Keep reading time enjoyable and relaxed.
Writing Workshop Children will participate in a daily writing workshop. The workshop will include modeled writing, mini-lessons, guided practice, and independent writing time.
Units of Study in Writing Narrative Informational/Research Opinion
Effective Writers Have Focus and Support Organization Strong Voice/Word Choice Command of Sentence Fluency/Conventions
The Five-Step Writing Process Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Publishing
Math Workshop Students will participate in a daily math workshop that will include a focus lesson, guided practice, and independent practice.
Math Topics 1. Multiplications and Division Strategies 2. Fractions and Fraction Equivalence 3. Geometry 4. Measurement 5. Operations and Number Sense 7. Algebraic Thinking 6. Data Analysis
Science Strong focus on the scientific process. The Big Ideas in science are presented in the classroom and in science lab. Students conduct their own scientific demonstrations in the spring. These skills can be practiced at home with the Soaring With Science activities.
Nature of Science Physical Science Earth and Space Life Science Science Big Ideas Nature of Science Physical Science Earth and Space Life Science
Social Studies Topics Geography of North America Celebrating Cultures Economics Government Character Education
Volunteering Wide array of volunteer opportunities Sign up tonight Volunteers must register at: www.getinvolvedineducation.com. Volunteer orientation is Friday, August 30th at 9:15am
Conferences Fall and Spring Conferences to discuss individual student goals Please sign-Up for Fall Conferences before you leave tonight.
Report Card Grades 3rd Graders will receive letter grades for academic subjects on their report cards each quarter. The grading scale is as follows: 90- 100 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 0 - 50 F Behavior and Social Growth will continue to be assessed with 1, 2, 3
Third Grade Events VIP Week Surfside Classroom T-shirts Benchmark Testing and FCAT Student Council
Other Stuff Birthday Treats Prowls ‘n Growls on website OSP- online school payment Field Trips– Strict due date (noon in class) Book Orders Cooking and Craft Join PTA Class Supplies (flash drive, headphones and binders)
Technology Training Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:30 pm Handout on Desk
I look forward to a great year! Thank you for coming to our Open House! I look forward to a great year!