Feb. 16, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Call to order: President, “The Meeting will come to order.” Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests Minutes: Secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting President’s Report: Recycling Project; Committee Meetings Committee Reports Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests Adjournment
The Harpool Student Creed I pledge to have success through education and life I will be strong, honest, and trustworthy. I will show leadership and responsibility. I am proud to call myself a Harpool Longhorn.
Builders Pledge I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builders Club. To better my school, my community, my nation and myself. To aid those in need while enhancing leadership capabilities, and to encourage the fellowship of all mankind.
Feb. 16, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests Minutes: Secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting President’s Report: Recycling Project; Committee Meetings Committee Reports Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests Adjournment
Feb. 16, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Committee Reports – Projects Literacy Night (Jan. 22 @ Adkins), Samantha Dann Cookies for SoupMobile, Kylie Williams & Avery Fouts Peru Mission Supplies, Meredith Wood & Sydney Thames Book Drive for Shelters, Ariana Tashakkori Read to Kindergarten & 1st Graders, Brett Gilbert Honor Harpool Janitors: Provide Lunch or gift cards, Katrina Harris
Feedback from Literacy Night Mr. Smith, I just wanted to send you a quick note saying how good I thought your JH kids did with the event last night. They helped the kids, played with them and seemed to have a good time and really put the focus on the elementary students. You should be proud. Patrick McLarty Assistant Principal Ponder Junior High Ms. Nelson, Thank you so much for coming tonight and for lending us your students from Builders' Club. It was so nice for parents to get to enjoy this event with their children rather than volunteer for the night. I heard so many positive comments about them! Please tell thank you from Adkins PTA! Thank you, Jennifer Duncan Adkins PTA President
2015 PERU MISSION SUPPLY LIST 2015 PERU MISSION SUPPLY LIST For boys & girls (6 to 18 years old): Clothing, underwear, socks, shoes, tennis shoes, soccer shoes, sandals, flip flops & swimwear School Supplies, such as, pens, pencils, markers, crayons, erasers & glue sticks (no paper or notebooks) Soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, Legos & Play-Doh Glucosamine, natural tears, Centrum (junior/silver), multivitamins (children & adults), Aspirin 100 mg, Ibuprofin, sunblock, triple action ointment, itch relief cream, hand sanitizer (small bottles), antiparasitics, fungicides, Band-aids gauze pads, digestive tablets, magnesium tablets & Excedrin for migraines Baby clothes (boys & girls), prenatal vitamins Toothpaste & brushes, floss, deodorant, soap, shampoo, disposable razors, foot powder & towels Note: Clothing needs to be new as Peruvian Law does not allow used clothing for health reasons. Exception: gently used with certifícate of fumigation For information contact: Oscar Salas osalas@verizon.net (940) 453-5484 Peggy Salas peggysalas5@yahoo.com (940) 453-4996 “A child is a gift of God. If you don’t want him, give him to me.” ~Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Jan. 20, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Committee Reports – Projects Literacy Night (Jan. 22 @ Adkins), Samantha Dann Cookies for SoupMobile, Kylie Williams & Avery Fouts Peru Mission Supplies, Meredith Wood & Sydney Thames Book Drive for Shelters, Ariana Tashakkori Read to Kindergarten & 1st Graders, Brett Gilbert Honor Harpool Janitors: Provide Lunch or gift cards, Katrina Harris
Feb. 16, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests Announcements/Reports: Club Project Ideas Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria Recognition: Thank you to our Specials Guests Adjournment
Feb. 16, 2015 Club Meeting Agenda Call to order: “The Meeting will come to order.” Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Flag, Harpool Student Creed, & Builders Club Pledge Introduction of Visitors & Special Guests Announcements/Reports: Club Project Ideas Unfinished Business: Committee Sign Ups New Business: Helping in the Cafeteria 7. Recognition: Thank you to our Special Guests 8. Adjournment: The President asks if there are any announcements and moves to adjourn the meeting and closes the meeting.