Information Anywhere: Mobile Technology, Libraries & mHealth Emily J. Hurst, MSLS Technology Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region
Mobile, Global, Impacting Health
STATISTICS Mobile by the Numbers
How Many Mobiles? By 2014 the number of active cell phones will exceed the global population. Number of Mobile Phones to Exceed World Population by Digital Trends.
Mobile Phone Adoption Worldwide Current subscriber base > 7 billion China: 80% of population India: 70% of population United States: 97% of adult population (58% have a smartphone) CIA World Factbook -
Who owns a smartphone? (U.S.) AgeRace/EthnicityHousehold Income Education Level Geographic Location 18 – 29: 83%White: 53%Less than $30k: 47% High School Diploma or less: 44% Urban: 64% 30 – 49: 74%Black: 59%$30K - $499,999: 53% Some College: 67% Suburban: 60% 50 – 64: 49%Hispanic: 61%$50K - $74,999: 61% College+: 71%Rural: 53% 65+: 19%$75K+: 81% Cell Phone and Smartphone Ownership Demographics. Pew Research, Internet Project: smartphone-ownership-demographics/ smartphone-ownership-demographics/
Mobile Internet Access (U.S.) 63% of adults use their phones to go online 34% of these users go online mostly using their phone and not another device Cell Phone and Smartphone Ownership Demographics. Pew Research, Internet Project: smartphone-ownership-demographics/ smartphone-ownership-demographics/
Smartphones and Health 31% of cell phone owners, and 52% of smartphone owners, have used their phone to look up health or medical information. 19% of smartphone owners have downloaded an app specifically to track or manage health. Health Topics. Pew Research, Internet Project:
Tablet Takeover From Tablet & eReader Ownership Jan 2014:
More Mobile Devices Which do you have?
GET MOBILIZED At Your Institution
Ask How How are YOU using mobile technologies? How are doctors or other health professionals using mobile technologies? How are your patrons using mobile technologies?
DEVELOPING AND DESIGNING FOR MOBILE PART I Mobile Websites and Mobile Website Development
The Mobile Website A web site designed for the small screens of mobile phones or tablet devices. Mobile sites render web pages in narrow columns and often provide only a subset of the regular web site. When a request from a mobile browser is made, the site redirects it to its mobile counterpart for a more streamlined surfing experience. Definition of mobile website. PC Mag, Encyclopedia: / /
Responsive Web Design Web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors). 8 Ideas for designing Responsive Web Design. World Website Design:
Responsive Resolutions Responsive web design - adapt, respond and overcome:
Mobile-Friendly Library Websites
Tools for Going Mobile Content Management System Plugins Google Sites Kurogo Mobile Platform jQuery
Mobile Solutions for CMS Websites using content management systems may have mobile site options or plug ins. Ask vendor or add/install plugin yourself.
Mobilized WordPress Site
Google Sites Cloud Based Google Account Needed Template-based Created for non-coders (No HTML necessary) Can become problematic for advanced coders
Google Sites Example DIY Options for Mobile Websites, Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services:
Kurogo Mobile Platform Free Open source Web development experience necessary (HTML 5 & PHP) Requires server & administration experience Device detection then uses responsive design to format for best view Modules Native app creation facilitation
Kurogo Integration Kurogo Mobile Platform:
Kurogo Mobile Platform - Hospital
Kurogo Mobile Platform - Academic
jQuery Mobile Open source HTML/CSS & JavaScript knowledge necessary No installation necessary Can use server or not Warning: Initial download can be lengthy
jQuery Mobile Example
Mobilize It Discussion Does your library have a mobile presence? Why or why not? Does your library utilize mobile resources provided by vendors? Which ones? Are patrons seeking mobile solutions for library information? Why or why not?
Break – 15 Minutes
Mobile Website vs Mobile App Mobile Website vs. Mobile App (Application) Which is Best for Your Organization?: website-vs-apps/ website-vs-apps/
App Attack!
Native App Java, Objective C, JQuery Mobile Single platform Full hardware access (GPS, camera, accelerometer, etc.) Can be used offline Tricky to get usage statistics Make new version for each platform Web App HTML, CSS, Javascript Mutli-platform (with caveats) Limited hardware access (GPS?) Requires Internet connection (with caveats) Standard webstats (with caveats) App Comparison
Creating an App
App Development “We invite you to develop computer and mobile applications using {free} National Library of Medicine (NLM) resources.” NLM API’s:
App Discussion Do you have library staff experienced with app development programming? Are there training options? Which apps do your library patrons use the most? Are they requesting information about apps from the library?
What is mHealth? The practice of medicine and public health, supported by mobile devices, such as smart phones and wireless connectivity, for health services and information. The use of mobile devices to support health related monitoring and self-help activities.
mHealth History
Networked Health Glucometer – Blood sugar Bathroom Scale – Weight – Water loss/gain Sphygmomanometer – Blood pressure – Pulse Smart Band-Aids - Chemistry Digestible RFID Pills
Connected Healthcare Devices
Physician Adoption “This is not ‘nice to have stuff’ anymore, this is life saving stuff now.” – Eric Yablonka, CIO of University of Chicago
Distracted Doctoring?
mHealth in the OR mHealth, HIMSS:
mHealth in Action
Text4Baby Free text messaging service for expectant mothers Text messages have tips for healthy pregnancy Over 300,000 users since 2010 launch
CATRA From MIT Media Lab Cataract maps with snap-on eyepiece for mobile phones Integrates with app
Kinsa Low cost thermometer Integrates with headphone jack and app Track family health history Creates real-time health map
mHealth Hospital Mobile connectivity for – EHR – Clinical Resources – Charting – Patient Education – Patient Communication – Discharge Instructions – Home Health Monitoring – Financials
NLM Mobile Sites
NLM Mobile Apps
mHealth & Libraries Discussion How do you see the library supporting mHealth in the future? Is there a role of the librarian in the integration or creation of mHealth devices or services? Explain. Be creative!
QR CODES “Hey what is that crazy thing?”
Quick History QR (quick response) codes have been used in various markets since Initially used in industrial and manufacturing industries only. Two-dimensional barcode. Image from:
App Required To interact with a QR Code a QR Code scanner app is required (remember it is a type of barcode) Many app options (free and paid)
Creative QR Codes Uses
Generating a QR Code – For non-commercial use only – Create a QR code that points to a URL, Text, Phone Number or SMS
Next Generation QR Code Technology
AUGMENTED REALITY Terminator Vision and Beyond
Data is All Around Us
Mobile Device Built Ins
Discover Data DAQRI – Anatomy 4D –
Hallux Angles - Radiology
Color Blind Aid
Augmented Future?
Augmented Healthcare HANA + Google Glass –
Watching Trends, Keeping Up
CONTACT Emily J. Hurst, MSLS Technology Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine South Central Region (800) QUESTIONS? This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. HHSN C with the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library.