Background Native Americans Early European Exploration Spanish, French settlements
Earliest immigrants 35,000-25,000 BC –Ice Age –Hunter / gatherers –Beringia
The First Americans? Hohokam Anasazi Farmers of SW –Pueblos
Early European exploration Vikings –Around 1000 AD –Short-lived settlement
Europe before Columbus feudalism centralized states merchant class
Europe before Columbus Renaissance –Artistic/intellectual movement –Humanism –Exploration New technology –Gunpowder –Astrolabe –Compass
Europeans go exploring Portugal –Prince Henry the Navigator –Da Gama / Dias –Sea routes to India
Christopher Columbus Sailed in 1492 Genoa, Italy Reach Asia by sailing W Nobody in Italy believed him…
Christopher Columbus …but you’ve been lied to…
Christopher Columbus Ferdinand & Isabella sponsored Quick sea route to Asia –Quick route = big profits Found Caribbean Islands
Spanish goals 3 reasons for exploration: –God
Spanish goals 3 reasons for exploration: –God –Gold
Spanish goals 3 reasons for exploration: –God –Gold –Glory
Spanish goals Find gold Convert natives to Christianity Dominance over rest of Europe
Spanish impact on Natives Conquistadors encountered: –Aztecs (Mexico) –Maya (Central America) –Inca (South America) Advanced: Math, science, astronomy Not advanced: No steel, guns, horses
Spanish go north Juan Ponce de Leon Explored FL (beginning 1513) “Fountain of youth” St. Augustine 1 st permanent settlement
Spanish go north Coronado Explored what is now SW USA Called it New Mexico Franciscan missionaries Intermarriage common –Mestizos
Encomienda system Landowners – native workers’ “caretakers” –Protection –Spanish language –Catholicism In return – labor from natives –Akin to slavery
Popé’s Rebellion 1680 – Santa Fé –Popé – Pueblo leader –Killed 400 Spanish, expelled other 2000 Spanish reconquered 1692
Columbian Exchange Europeans get new foods People in Americas get new foods (and deadly diseases)
Disease Natives had no immunity Measles Mumps Chicken pox Typhus Smallpox Disease was worse than any army
Impact on Europe Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Spain and Portugal had been setting up colonies Battled over areas of control Agreed on border to split up Americas
Who do you think won? Portugese ControlSpanish Control
Extent of Spanish Empire
French settlement Fur trading camps: –Modern Canada –Native-friendly –Mostly men – hunters & priests –Intermarriage with natives (Hunters, not all that many priests)
French settlement Fur trading camps: –Small population Only Catholics allowed No Huguenots –Few towns – only trading posts
French settlement Samuel de Champlain –Alliance with Huron vs. Iroqouis Confederacy over fur trade control –Founded Quebec 1608