La Rioja
Population is around 323,609 people Its capital is Logroño Other major cities include Calahorra, Arnedo, Haro, Alfaro, Najera, Lardero, Villamediana de Iregua, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Autol Major Cities & Population
Both the rivers Oja & Ebro flow through this region The Iberian Mountain Range extends through La Rioja There are also fine pastures for farming and livestock and highlands with beech, oak, and pine trees The average temperature ranges from 53-88° F Average Temperatures & Geographical Information
Agriculture – wheat, barley, grapes, asparagus, capsicum Industry – tempered glass, wine, food preserves, footwear, charcuterie (meat products) La Rioja Alta is a famous wine company in La Rioja Economy
Gonzalo de Berceo was a famous poet back in the 1200’s Domingo de Silos was a Spanish monk, referred to as a saint in the Catholic Church, the Abby of Santo Domingo de Silos was dedicated to him Fausto Elhuyer and his brother Juan Jose Elhuyer were Spanish chemists who discovered tungsten Famous Citizens
Dinosaur footprints were found in the area of Cameros, where during the Early Cretaceous period, flooded plains drained, leaving behind dinosaur footprints History
Caparrones is a Spanish stew made of a kind of kidney bean called caparron. It also contains spicy sausage called chorizo. Food
The Rioja Wine Harvest Festival takes place in Logroño Traditions such as foot-crushing grapes and bull-running are offered Celebration
1.Santa María la Real of Nájera is a monastery in Najera. It was an important pilgrimage stop on the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) 2.Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada is a cathedral dedicated to the 12th century Saint Dominic de la Calzada Historical Sites
1.Go to the Vendimia and San Mateo Fiestas in September 2.Visit the Cebollera Mountain Range National Park 3.Visit the Ocón Valley, which is a protected biosphere reserve Activities